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Everything posted by Myron

  1. Myron


  2. I just got a MAV.. Stupid power!.. love the thing... The wildcat looks a bit weird to me...I have seen Wildcats with suspension kits handle a little better on the whoops but it has to be modified. I hear in a side by side comparison the the MAV has better fit and finish but I have never seen a Wildcat in person... this is one of those things that your gonna get lovers and haters on both sides... Do yourself a favor.. Go to the dealership and climb all around both... Myron
  3. I picked up the MAV a few weeks ago.. I mostly play on the rocks and I haven't gotten it stuck yet.. I REALLY like the electronic throttle... In 4 Low its easy to crawl real smooth over any terrain. It 2wd sports mode its pretty stupid fast. Myron
  4. I'm slowly getting my garage into shape (we just bought this house) and its gonna take me a while to have the man cave set up how I like. I hung a bunch of rubbermaid easy track up already to get everything off the floor. Next is gonna be a epoxy painted garage floor and more cabinets...I have portable A/C and Heat and its insulated well so working conditions wont be that bad. I just gotta get a project i LIKE working on! Myron
  5. Thanks for the tips guys. I still have to repair my jeep now before I can make a move. I have the parts, but I hate working on stuff when its cold!
  6. I also did a little digging on the Reusch brand. In digging I discovered that "TheLoser" has posted the exact same verbage on another site under the screen name "Beenhad". I also discovered that the Chinese MFG. that makes the UTV that he was selling, is offering them for about 4K USD a pop. I think that I would just about take a chance on one at that price.. I know that my sons Kawasaki 90 ATV and also the Polaris 90 and also the Polaris Kids SXS 170 are made by Kymco. My kids bike has been flawless. I have seen many of the SunL 150cc gocarts running around. Myron
  7. Hey Rick, Thanks for the link. There is a blue on just like it close to me that I was looking at. I think the length just kills it for me on those. The 4 seater is longer than my Jeep and I would prefer to get maybe a 6x12 trailer that I can squeeze a UTV and my sons bike onto. I have a dodge 2500 and a 33" foot 5th wheel and our other vehicle is a Quad cab Dakota so I have to keep the trailer weight and size down a bit. Incidently I have suffered a minor setback in my plans.. I took the Jeep for a ride yesterday and after I got on it pretty good(burned a little rubber off the 33"s) I felt a vibration from the back. I goosed it again and ended up not only blowing a ujoint, I took the transmission and Tcase with it.. The tranny broke the complete bellhousing in half, the tail of the tranny broke in half just before the tcase mount and the tail cone broke in half and I also bent the np205 output shaft.... fortunately I have a complete TH400 and Tcase in storage... I'm just sick of working on it!!! Here is a pic of the damage. the rest of the bell housing is still attached..
  8. Been surfing CL for different stuff... I still definately plan on some sort of UTV... Just gotta get it done before spring time! Myron
  9. Yeah, I'm still keeping my eyes peeled for a deal.. I just heard that Polaris just dropped their price 1500 on the RZR because of the Commander is in high demand. Jarrad, The steering box wasnt a deal breaker. You guys dont own it, so when your owner called the guy who does own it, he wanted me to throw in another 1000.00 to do the deal. I know I can flip my Jeep locally for no less than 7K and thats what the guy wants for the trooper. Plus, you guys dont have the title yet, So I wouldnt have done it even if it was a straight across trade. I also have my 750 Brute force to deal with. I can flip it for 3K-3500 pretty easy so the proceds from those sales will determine what I get. I'm budgeting minimum of 10K for my new toy. Myron
  10. Hey Guys, OK, so I went to Dallas and looked at the unit up at No limits.. We werent able to close a deal on this one but I'm still interested in a T2.. couple things, When the units lockers are enguaged, this one is super hard to steer. I expected some difficulty, but it was really hard.. Is this normal?.. Also, what does it cost to replace the steering box, this one was super sloppy. I was pretty impressed with the beefy chassis and suspension. I was hoping for a little more pep, but Im used to a 400 horse Jeep and a 750 Brute Force ATV so I shouldnt expect to be too impressed unless I get the Can am or the RZR. I also didnt realize this thing had such a long wheelbase.. Its as long as my jeep! I talked to them a little about the Can AM and he told me that they are bringing 2K over sticker, so that is prolly out of the question.. I refuse to pay over the MSRP on anything! Myron
  11. I will have to figure out all the details after i close the deal!.. Jarrod, I'm gonna try to get up early and load the Jeep and head that way. I'm self employed and crazy things can happen to my schedule so its not 100% confirmed but can you give Mike a heads up when you get in that I may be coming out?. I will call you guys in the morning if I can make it happen.. Myron
  12. Jarrod, Thanks for the info. I talked to Mike today and I will prolly come out on Wednesday. I think the 8500lb winch is a bit overkill on a 1600 lb buggy. Even with the wheels locked, it would drag it across the ground and up a tree.. Myron
  13. Merry Christmas Everyone!! Snowman, Cool, I do like the intake up higher though... Maybe a future mod!.. I have seen some some pretty impressive turbo mods as well.. Not sayin that I need that, but cool none the less... Myron
  14. Snowman, That doesnt look like the same engine.. The one in the link has the intake manifold up over the top of the motor. The one on your website has the intake curved down and its much lower on the engine. Maybe they only have the 2011 engines listed but it appears its not the same animal.. Also, the engine in the link is rated at 54KW which is about 72 horsepower. Myron
  15. Hey Snowman, I will prolly take you up on that offer.. I need to make a run to Dallas anyway soon... I found Chery engine MFG on line and they offer parts, but I could not find the 1.1 liter motor on their site. Also, the only one close was a 1.5 liter and rated at 71 horsepower... Myron
  16. Snowman, I appreciate the confidence booster. I have actually been to your shop a few years ago when you had a lot full of the Troopers. Thats what first got me interested in the brand. I just sent an email to Mike, but he is out till Monday... Do you know the year model of this unit? My biggest concern is that if I'm not happy with it, I cant sell it for what I could have the Jeep and that would put me deeper in the hole when it comes to paying cash for a Can Am. What accessories do you still have for it? I saw that you mentioned your Joyner Biased, but seriously, what about the motor? how reliable are they? What if say the disty or ignition module goes out? water pump? alternator? Would I be better off finding one off an import car and making my own brackets? Also, I think I saw that the stock alternator is only like 160 watts. Is that true? Heck, I have a model airplane electric motor that is not even a 4th of the size but can put out 1500 watts and pull 80 amps.. Sorry for all the questions, I jut like to be comfortable with what I'm doing before I make a large trade or purchase. Myron
  17. Rocmoc, In the Pics it looks like it has CV's on all the axles with decent boots. Are the Ujoints your refering to on the front driveshaft? And What upgrade was done on the brakes? When you say first 50, what year would that be? It does have front and rear winches and the radiator looks like its been relocated to keep it out of the mud. He is adversing it as a "Mud Machine" so I'm sure thats where it spent alot of its time. I like the rocks and trails and dont like to go mudding so I would prolly relocate the radiator back to its original position. It alo looks like the original rocker panels were replaced with some homeade rock sliders... Do you know of anyone that has replacement body panels? Do you think I would be hanging myself if I traded my jeep for it? If I traded for it, I would get to keep my Kawi 750 Brute ATV where as If I wanted a newer unit or the Commander I would have to sell it. IF it doesnt work out, what do you think I could flip it for?.... Also, Why do you think all the ones for sale have so few miles on them? This one has 1500 but almost all of them I see are less than 500 miles. Thanks again for all the input! Myron
  18. Hey Guys, What do you think about this one? I can trade it straight across... http://americanmotorcycletrading.autorevo.com/popupviewer.aspx?iid=2900237&pID=29893409 Myron
  19. Stevo, I saw your green one on CL and maybe a few of the others. Would you consider a trade for a Jeep? Its a 78 CJ7 with a 400+HP Summit Crate Motor and more new parts(seats wheels and Tires) ect. than I can think of. If not, I may list the jeep and ATV today and see what shakes out. Rick and others, Thanks for the links, I didnt think to Look in OKC.. I'm gonna go through all those today. Myron
  20. I Looked all over AZ and some in Socal.. There are a few, but none in Central Texas where I am.. There is one at No Limit Powersports in the Dallas area but thats all I am seeing so far.. I will pick up a cycle trader tomorrow to see what is in there.. Myron
  21. I talked to a guy today that is/was a Joyner dealer and he said that Joyner was going strong, but there was some legalities with the US importer that is preventing things from ramping back up.. Not sure exactly what that means, but I have been looking for a possible trade for my jeep and there arent many T2's out there on Craigs List... I may have to go with the Can AM 1000X instead. Myron
  22. I just talked to Mike over there and sent him the pics and 411 on my jeep... Myron
  23. Actually I really like trooper, mainly the T2 though.. I volunteer to go on SAR missions and I like the trailer you can get for them. I found a guy that has a nice 2009 T4 with only 300 miles on it that I could prolly trade straight across for my Jeep.. My kid has a KAwi 90 ATV that were prolly gonna trade for a kids RZR 170. This is why I would like the T2 instead... Whats the top speed on your T4 and does it get there in reasonable time? I am a wrench turner and enoy working on my own stuff. I'm still totally up in the air, the RZR is narrow enough to get loaded on smaller trailers which is a big plus, The Can am is stupid fast, The trooper can be street legal and it has automotive grade components. I wish I could find a nice T2 with upgrades and low miles, I would do a swap quick-like! Myron
  24. Thanks for the replies, Rick, Have you had any major problems with the trooper? What about getting parts or service? I did like the makup of the suspension on the trooper.. Off the shelf heim joints are a plus!.. Is yours street legal? Roc Moc, I am prolly going to sell my 78 CJ7 restored jeep and also sell my 750 brute force.. I should have enough cash to do whatever I want.. Just supper worried about parts for the trooper and plus I would wrather have a 2 seater... Myron
  25. Hey Guys, I'm in the market for a side by side... I'm looking at three different ones.. the Can Am Commander 1000, the Polaris RZR and the Joyner Trooper T2... Yeah, I know the Trooper is Chinese, but from all I am reading they are pretty decent and can be had at a fair price... I have a guy I can trade my old 78 Jeep for an 09 T4 that is in excellent shape.. I dont really want a 4 seater though... I'm looking for pros and cons on each unit so if you got a good story I would love to hear it! Thanks, Myron
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