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  1. Was wondering if anyone knows how to check a waterpump on a 2013 arctic cat prowler 1000 XTZ My cat overheated and I was not working it that hard Have checked for antifreeze in oil in case it was a head gasket but its clean Next step will be to check pump and thermostat I know how to check thermostat but clueless on checking pump I did refill rad and the started machine with cap off and coolant level did not change
  2. Finally received service manual So am ready to start pulling apart machine Would really appreciate if someone could point me in right direction on where to start I have rebuilt snowmachine engines worked on boat motors have changed cv joints on quads but this is my first attempt at this kind of problem
  3. Doesn't matter if in reverse or forward gear every so often it would make a grinding sound and jump out of gear Plowing snow the other morning it got bad had a loud banging noise in both reverse and forward Managed to limp it into garage but lost reverse while doing so Has a steady banging from undernearh while driving forward into garage Going to put it up on blocks today was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to proceed,
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