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Everything posted by Sizzler

  1. I haven't dealt with them or even know anything about them, I guess the questions I would have are 1. How easy are parts to get? Like if you are out in the boonies of South Dakota are you going to be able to get parts quick or will you have to order them 2. Service? Who will service them? If its only that dealer it limits how far you can be away from him. These are just a couple quick questions that came to mind. They maybe cheaper to start with but is it going to end up being a disposeable UTV if you can't get parts or service?
  2. I had never heard of it either, but I thought it was just me.
  3. Please join us in supporting the Top 50 Trailhead Project. Follow the link, read and sign the petition in favor of the project. It's good for us and for the off-road community at large. Click here >> http://www.petitiononline.com/top50/ This originates in the area that the Black Hills UTV Rally was last year. We could sure use your signature. We hope to see you next year at the Black Hills UTV Rally Thanks for your help
  4. Looks SHARP Congrats
  5. I thought I could get a little activity with that comment. Guess it must be just a couple of us on here. We need more people commenting to find out whats best Or whats going on for excitement. Right now it stands 1 for Artic Cat and 1 for Yamaha. Just giving you ma bad time though. lol.
  6. We could have a disagreement here. Rhinos are Top dog and every body knows it. Other Rhino people speak up and defend our ride.
  7. I got this off a different forum. http://albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting.php
  8. What do people think about an area in this forum to tell jokes and funny stories? Or other ideas to get more action here?
  9. Off Road Riders in Raoid City SD Is having a rodeo this Saturday Sept 23, 2007 Check out details at www.offroadriders.org. Anybody interested in coming?
  10. For more videos and another cool picture of Black Hills UTV Rally check out http://www.utvevents.com/showthread.php?t=31
  11. Good luck with your event! Wish I could come, but its a long haul from western South Dakota. Post some pictures and keep us informed. Thanks Tom
  12. For information on the new Rhino check out the Yamaha site at www.yamaha-motor.com
  13. For those interested in a local club check out www.offroadriders.org located in Rapid City,SD
  14. For a few pictures of Black Hills UTV Rally check out www.rideblackhills.com/troys_sunday
  15. I had the doors put on about a week and a half ago and really like them. They probably wouldn't do for the real hardcore guys or racers but should do fine for me.
  16. Welcome s@ndman,Thanks for stopping by and spread the word about us if you would please Thanks Tom
  17. New Moab Plan Available The BLM's Moab Field Office has released their Draft Resource Management Plan (DRMP) and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). The combined document is available for download at: http://www.blm.gov/ut/st/en/fo/moab/planning.html. BLM is taking comment until November 30, 2007. Stay tuned for regular email updates and BRC's thorough analysis of the new plan. Ric Foster Public Lands Dept. Manager BlueRibbon Coalition
  18. Ok I'll be the third poster Had to play with the eyes, too. Kids and there toys, boy oh boy. We need some replies to keep me busy or see what you get Its not that hard DON'T BE SHY. Tom
  19. Hi All Lets get started with better introductions, and unfortunatelly for you I'll start. My name is Tom and my wife is Becky and we have a grandson living with us named Jacob. I have a 07 Rhino 660, my wife a Bruin 350 and Jacob a Grizzly 80.We live in Rapid City SD near the Black Hills UTV Rally(hope everyone is coming) By my sign in you might think I think I'm really hot with my Rhino. No not really as I'm just a beginner in offroading. I guess I go by sizzler as a sort of sick sense of humor as you see last July I was involvedin a fire and got burned 85%. So any help with the Rhino will be appreciated. Now how about some names and stories from others. It's not that hard, Lets get this going . Tom
  20. free doors for all rhinos from yamaha http://mudmilitia.com/files/Rhinodoors.pdf You will recieve a letter VERY soon. Yamaha is putting doors on every model and year rhino for free. All 08s will have doors. All rhinos at the dealerships will have doors installed before delivery now. The above link explains it all. __________________
  21. Yes I'd be interested in being a moderator. What now ? Also would like to change logged in as to sizzler if possible. Tom
  22. Hi What do the moderators have to do? I'm just a beginner with computers and utv's but maybe I could help out. Tom
  23. I wasn't able to make the Moab UTV Rally hosted by www.utvrally.com , but I'm looking forward to attending their 2nd one on Sept. 1-3rd in Piedmont, SD www.blackhillsutvrally.com ! It looks like it will be a lot of fun based on what I've seen on their site from the Moab event. Who else is planning on going? It looks like it actually starts on the 31st of August, so I'll be arriving on that Thursday night. Anybody? Tom
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