I have replaced the injector, fuel filter, and IAC valve. I get plenty of fuel up to the injector. So, after finding the battery was dead, I put the charger on it. It never would charge. Pulled the positive cable off and it charged. I attempted to reconnect after the charge and the starter engaged with no key in the ignition. I let it sit for a while, went out and pulled the wiring to the solenoid by the battery, checked it all the way to where it connected, and then reconnected the battery cable. Turned the key and everything is back to normal with no zombie/ghost starter. I sprayed cleaner down her throat and she starts and runs. She runs longer than normal and then dies. Turn the ignition over and it cranks and dies immediately. If I keep my foot in the throttle, it will run. I know the last time it did this was the IAC valve being bad. I know new parts can be bad. Could I be looking at another bad IAC valve or something else?