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Everything posted by redneckred

  1. Can anyone tell me how to get the engine codes to display on a 2012 Bennche Bighorn 700X? I played with the gauges once and lucked up on this but can't remember what I did. Will the codes automatically display if there is a code or do you have to cycle through the display?
  2. I have replaced the injector, fuel filter, and IAC valve. I get plenty of fuel up to the injector. So, after finding the battery was dead, I put the charger on it. It never would charge. Pulled the positive cable off and it charged. I attempted to reconnect after the charge and the starter engaged with no key in the ignition. I let it sit for a while, went out and pulled the wiring to the solenoid by the battery, checked it all the way to where it connected, and then reconnected the battery cable. Turned the key and everything is back to normal with no zombie/ghost starter. I sprayed cleaner down her throat and she starts and runs. She runs longer than normal and then dies. Turn the ignition over and it cranks and dies immediately. If I keep my foot in the throttle, it will run. I know the last time it did this was the IAC valve being bad. I know new parts can be bad. Could I be looking at another bad IAC valve or something else?
  3. I have a 2012 Bennche Bighorn 700X. I bought it used. It had been sitting in a field for several years untouched. I put a new sun gear in the shifter, new shifter linkage due to the old one having been patched, and a new battery (and of course fresh fuel). The machine cranked and ran beautifully. I had it over a year and then the machine quit running. As it would not stay cranked, I narrowed the problem down to a bad IAC valve. I replaced it and it ran as good as new/old. Fast forward, the machine started to act like reverse wasn't catching and would not always back up when in gear. Then forward quit. I assumed a bad CVT belt and got one. Started removing the bolts from the cover and (3) just turn in the housing without coming loose. (2) are on the bottom, so very little room to do anything with them. I tried cranking the machine again to see the belt move since I can move the cover enough to see the belt and now the machine will not crank. It turns over fine. It gets gas to the injector and has spark. I can spray cleaner down her throat and she would run until it ran out. I have replaced the IAC twice and put a new injector with no change. I went out and put the old injector back in to see if that made any difference and, well, it did. I tried to crank the machine and the starter is stuck trying to turn the machine over even with the key off. I have to disconnect the battery to stop it. Before I shoot this thing, what am I missing? Is this an ECM problem or something else I am not seeing? Been dealing with these Gremlins for over a month now and weeds are starting to overtake the motor due to it not moving. I would love to get the thing running first and any ideas of getting those CVT cover bolts out would be extremely helpful. Thanks in advance.
  4. I figured out my problem. I took a ground wire off the sun gear cover and never put it back. Amazing what a ground wire will do.
  5. Got a 2012 Bennche Bighorn 700x (I believe) from a neighbor that had it sitting in his yard undisturbed for over 2 years. We pulled it across the road to my house with the transmission stuck in low. I tinkered and discovered the fan gear assembly had frozen up from not being used, specifically the part that slides/turns in the housing. After freeing that up, the transmission shifts fine. I put a fresh battery on it and discovered 12.2 volts going to the solenoid, and with the key in the on position, 12 .2 volts on the starter side of the solenoid without turning the key to the crank position. I discovered at the starter the same results of a constant 12.2 volts in the on position. Cranking, the voltage on the starter side of the solenoid and at the starter drops to 11.72v. Shouldn't there not be any voltage on the other side of the solenoid or at the starter if the key is not in the crank position? And with the constant voltage at the starter and it not turning, isn't it safe to assume the starter is frozen/burned out?
  6. I was looking at purchasing a 2017 Hisun vector 500, used of course. The seller is selling it cheap stating the machine had "an unknown oil leak" and his kids ran it low on oil causing the timing chain to brake. I am not familiar with small engines, but with what is being described, wouldn't this result in some damage to other internal components as well? Just trying to get an idea if the machine is worth fixing or would it likely need a complete engine/overhaul to make it right before I entertain the thought of purchasing it.
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