Hello everyone! I'm Molly. I'm 54, and have been legally blind my whole life, which means I've never been able to drive. But I CAN see, just not as good as you guys. I finally own 5 acres of flat and pretty open land, and I used to have a great little Yamana gas golf cart that I could drive around, to help me do yard work... Then, it died. So now, I am the proud owner of a brand new Coleman UTV400! Whooo, it's got a lot more power than my golf cart had, but I'm getting used to it.
I have a couple of questions. Okay, now you guys out there, don't laugh at me, ok? Because I don't know ANYTHING about how engines work, or batteries, or any of this stuff! But I want to learn.
First, is there a way I can change out the headlights that came with it, for some really bright ones? The headlights are not very bright for me. Not even the 'bright' mode. I need light. A LOT OF LIGHT! Can I do this?
Also, I'd like to install some of these neat rock lights that go in the wheel wells. I don't want those colored kind, just bright ones, so I can see at night! I live in FL, so there is no snow, EVER, but I need more lights. It gets dark now early, 5:30! I'm not driving on the road, don't worry, just my land.
And while I'm at it, I'd really like to install some speakers. I need music when I'm working in the yard. I don't want to keep bringing my rechargeable bluetooth speaker with me. I'd like something that is more permanent. I like a lot of bass, so can anyone recommend something?
I know the speakers need to be wired somehow, and the ones I'm looking over at amazon come with everything........ but don't laugh-- but how do you wire it to the battery? I know I can do this, I just need guidance.
And I know you might want to suggest this, but no, I don't have anyone that can help me. I'm on my own. I don't know anyone here, and I live way out in the country, down a dirt road.... just give me some tips, and point me in the right direction (of a video hopefully that will explain stuff), and I am on my way!
Thank you all so much for any advice, tips, help, etc...