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Ted in OK

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  1. Thanks, NewtoUTV! Somehow, I've missed the 18-month-old video you shared. We've had our UTV400 for two years and still nurse it thru F<>N<>R. We've gotten e-mailed words from ColemanPowerSports, but no concrete results. This video describes the problems we've had and provides a very probable solution...tho that solution may be beyond my abilities as a mechanic. Just 'cuz, Link to the same video follows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPU22uKW01Y
  2. I need a replacement gas cap for my 2021 Coleman UTV400. Some inconsiderate bush snapped the outer black kinda starknob off of the male threaded inside. This thread has been hanging for a year and a half...Has anyone found a suitable substitute for P315001811400000 yet? It is available for $40 on the colemanpowersportsusa site, but wondering if anyone has found a (cheaper) substitute.
  3. Jerry - Check Bryan g's and Dan_Lockwood's posts. It seems they have been successful machining modifications that allow the gear shift linkage to work reliably. I went the warranty route. I'm still waiting (5 months or so) for Coleman to deliver their warranty repair newly-designed (so it sounds) parts to my Coleman-authorized repair shop so the shop can perform the repairs. Just FYI: It appears the shifter cable on my unit must be right in the center of adjustment possibilities: I can mostly get it into the desired gear the first time...but that also means it sometimes grinds in forward as well. Good Luck! Ted in OK
  4. Bryan G: Thanks for the good info! Appreciate knowing that warehouse may ship out repair parts out soon (we've been waiting months). By carefully shifting F<>N<>R, we can get into the desired gear about 80% of first attempt times. The general squeaking is annoying, thanks for the tip about checking the wheel bearings!
  5. Roger - Inability to properly shift into both Forward and Reverse is a common problem with this unit. You get one or the other along with gear grinding. It is what appears to be a design flaw with the Coleman UTV400. Another thread exists on this board describing it. Two fixes so far: DIY an extension to the shift handle to increase the throw distance or wait for Coleman to supply a fix-it-kit to your Warranty Service Shop and get it done there. In my case? Still waiting. However, we've been able to mostly make things work. On our Coleman UTV400, Forward works fine with an occasional gear grind starting out. Reverse was and is a better-pay-attention issue. We found that rather than slamming the gear shift all the way to the bottom of its throw, stop approx. halfways between Neutral and full bottom. With a hand on the shifter and fluttering the gas pedal, we've found that usually we can feel the shifter (and transmission) settle into Reverse. Until a real fix happens, we don't put ourselves in any MustBackOut situations. Regards, Ted in OK
  6. There’s a Coleman solution to the UTV400/Outfitter 400 gear grinding problem. At least for me as my UTV is still under warranty (still less than 10 hours on the runtime clock). I started with a trouble ticket on the Coleman Powersports website. “Sergio” responded via e-mail that day and asked for the vitals in a different order. I complied. This morning (17 Feb 23), he sent me two e-mails, the first establishing a Case Number, the second saying he’d phoned my Local Authorized Service Center essentially to tell them I’m coming to them. Due to previous contacts, I already knew of that Center: Mr Jim Morris (Navy Master Chief Petty Officer, Retired) of Bridge Creek Small Engine Repair in Blanchard, OK. So I called him. He has received the official ‘How To’ instructions from Coleman and is waiting for the parts to show up. The authorized fix sounds like the clever DIY solutions other members have shown on the Board here: Add three-quarters of an inch to the cable end of the gear shift with a bolt and a spot weld. The first e-mail from “Sergio” indicated I had to deliver my UTV to Mr Morris within 5 business days. Considering that he doesn’t have the authorized repair parts yet, that displeased me. Upon my asking for clarification, Sergio wrote “the 5-day time frame is in place in order for customers to get in contact with the service center and schedule a drop-off date.” Sweet! I set up an appointment in the long future with a promise to get me in earlier when possible. Looking forward to getting my machine running better than new!
  7. Thanks all for the info! Have had a Coleman UTV400 for ~4 hours on the run-time clock and thought maybe it was operator error caused the grinding. We've had some success backing up with a hand pushing down heavily on the gear shift, but that doesn't really solve the problem. So the shared expertise of this group leads to two solutions to ensure the unit goes completely into Forward or Reverse: A ) DIY lengthen the cable end of the shifter or B ) get a properly designed shifter from Coleman. Here's the question finally: Do the shifters (part #3 on the diagram of parts linked above) that Coleman is selling now have sufficient 'throw' to put and keep the transmission in gear? I'd hate to go through the warranty process only to find out the same sized gear shift has been provided.
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