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lincolnsq175 last won the day on July 19 2023

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  1. I found a site oldskulltuning that seems to tune the denso mt05 when im ready for a tune im going to try them and will post how it goes.
  2. Jbs machines sheave kit will give you more top speed. Rhino 700 kit will work.
  3. Check your valve clearence i bet its off.
  4. Theres a few things you can do to get more torque. You can shim the primary which will give you more torque but takeaway some top end speed. You couls also slug wet clutch which will make the wet clutch grab quicker and harder. Than the best mod but expensive is jbs machined sheave kit which will give you morr power everywhere. You can also i install an epi clutch kit with different weight rollers and secondary springs. Clutch parts for a yamaha rhino 450 fit.
  5. Im pretty sure yamaha 450 engine parts are swappable cause i have built a few of them before and just rebuilt this engine. Its identical to yamaha 450 and 400 engines.
  6. Thanks alot for that info about tuning thats very helpful and i will keep you updated on my progress.
  7. What jbs clutch kit fit your machine? Yamaha rhino 450?
  8. Im in the process of fabricating hard doors. Heres the progress so far.
  9. Im going to start with a machined sheave and secondary spring kit from jbs. Then will get a slip on exhaust and hmf fuel programmer. Kn intake and see how that goes. Will keep u guys updated.
  10. I got the machine basically for free with a blown engine. I rebuilt the engine, replaced crank, cylinder, piston and timing chain. It runs good and has a top speed of alittle over 40. It seems to me that the engine is a clone of a kodiak 450 efi, so i figured parts for them should work. I know it will never be fast being a 400 but wanted to get alittle more pulling power out of it.
  11. Ive searched and cannot find any performance parts that fit my machine. I have a 2020 coleman ut400. Im looking for machined sheave kit, programmers, cdi, exhaust and intake. I know these are yamaha rhino clones but are they rhino 450 clones? Any info is appreciated.
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