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About Geoff

  • Birthday March 19

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  1. Total parts was about 200 dollars and the manuals provided on this forum. Thanks Geoff
  2. Ok guys here is the update to the shifting problem I ran into. After breaking the entire engine and transmission down I found the forward gear and reverse gear had wore a groove and the fork had wore down how and where it locks in. As I thought in the beginning it was a bad gear not adjustments. It's back together and working great. The only thing I'm looking at is it feels like the front end is binding somewhere. But that's another day of troubleshooting. Total parts
  3. I have dune some trouble shooting and with the transmission in forward, and the veh off, the shifter tries to jump out of geer when it's rocket back and forth, especially forward. We have also tried having a second person holding the actual transmission shift linkage in forward and it jumps in and out the same way. Adjusting is no longer available, nothing else can be adjusted. Like I said in the beginning. Now it seems to be mechanic time and break it down and actually find the problem. That's the manual that I need, to breaking it down. Fun begins now.
  4. Hello, I have done the adjustments and did the other shifter extention adding 1 inch to the travel. The trans will still not stay jn forward. Reverse is outstanding. When I did the adjustments and extender it was great until the trans got warmed up abot a mile from where I took it off the trailer, and would NOT stay in forward so we returned to the trailer in reverse. Had no problem. But forward not at all. When I did this last adjustment it was with the adjuster, and cable adjustment from reverse. Still no luck. I didn't try the way you did it but extended it with a mounted bracket to the shifter.
  5. Hey guys, I'm working on a 2022 UT400 that has the wiz bang clunk problem. I have tried the adjustments, and the additional leingth on the shifter but when I put the 400 into drive it will kick in and out and sounds like the bottom end is falling out, but reverse is outstanding. I baught the rig for much cheaper than normal from Tractor supply because no one in the area will warranty fix them and the 2 prior owners just wanted the money back. So here I am. What is the next fix? Time to pull the assembly out and get dirty or is their another fix I am missing?
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