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  1. I'm a big round guy. 5ft8in and 365 lbs. I drive full size vehicles because I HAVE to, otherwise the seat doesn't go back far enough for my belly to clear the steering wheel. Yeah, I'm a big fat tick. Part of the reason I'm this way is because 3 years ago I was in a bad wreck with a big rig and I broke my neck and broke my back. Not only did I survive, but amazingly, I wasn't paralyzed. I was in the hospital for a great deal of time to recover and to learn to walk again,...but not very far, or stand for very long. I'm still essentially disabled, but with the ability to walk a little bit. As a result, I get no exercise, and unless I carefully watch what I eat, I have gotten this large. So just this week, my attorneys and I finally came to an out-of-court settlement with the trucking company's insurance, and in 30 days I'll have my money. I used to really enjoy the outdoors, but I'll never be able to go hiking or just enjoy a simple nature walk anymore due my injuries. The closest I'll ever come is being able to cruise around on wheels. I already have a 99' Polaris Sportsman quad, and I can ride it real slow and careful. But I'm worried it might not be the right choice for me now, and I'm thinking about getting something I sit in like a UTV. However, most of these look like I won't fit behind the wheel, nor are they easy to step into for someone as limited in mobility as I now am. So the advice I'm looking for has nothing to do with how capable a particular model is, how much ground clearance or how fast,...my first and most important criteria is how roomy is one vs. another and can I even get in the damned thing? I don't care if it's a product no longer produced or if it only just came out this year. Whichever UTV past or present that allows for the biggest fat fool behind the wheel is what I'm interested to know. I'm sure some of you fellas out there must be big like me and can tell me your experiences with different UTVs.
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