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Cody Brown

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Cody Brown last won the day on October 9 2023

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  1. Turned out to be a faulty ignition switch.
  2. Not sure how better to describe it other than no lights, head lights, dash lights, no cycling of fuel pump when the key is turned, no starter activity, etc. checked all fuses in the fuse box under the driver seat (anyone know of any other fuses I might have missed?). Hooked starter up directly to the battery for a split second and it cycled fine. Same with the radiator fan. This machine was running fine during a ride, and my son hit a bump, it died, and never came back.
  3. Sorry I just saw this message. I think I might have been able to do it in the machine but I opted to pull it so I could get a better look at everything. Being my first rebuild I didn’t want to have to fight it. In retrospect, I also wish I had went ahead and rebuilt the clutch and replaced the belt while I had it out too because the clutch seems weak and I don’t think you can get the clutch cover off without pulling the engine out. Haven’t looked too closely at that yet though. Just be sure to label your wiring harnesses or take lots of pictures so you remember how everything goes back together.
  4. I've looked as well. i got a 2014 model on facebook marketplace that has had quite a few problems. I knew it had problems when I bought it and I got it at a really good price. I considered just replacing the engine also, but ended up taking a crack at rebuilding the top end myself. My first time doing that on anything at all, and it was a bit hairy for a beginner, but I managed to get it all back together. Seems to be running well. With it only being 2 years old, have you tried reaching out to the manufacturer for help? I've learned a lot about this thing in the last 2 months, but still a long way to go.
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