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Everything posted by bikermike

  1. Since it is a royal pain to close the front hood, I went to add a charger wire so I don't have to worry about the hood, I found the screw on the positive post rusted . this utv is 11 months old. and since it's a Philips head, it was impossible to loosen . had to use vise grips. replaced the screw with an hex bolt
  2. most likely translation error, I have the massimo wet clutch oil
  3. there's some confusion in the owners manual , in one place change the break in oil at 20 hrs, in another paragraph it says 20hrs or 1 month which ever comes first, so which is correct? I'm at 12.5 hrs but 5 months, sometimes hard to shift, I also go alittle reverse direction to free it
  4. new to forum, t boss in break in period,
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