Hey all who responded,
thanks for helping. I found a place on the internet who sells Joyners and tires to fit. This is what I found out from the manual and my own measurements.....
Rims: front 12x6 and rear 12x8 bolt pattern 4/115 and offset is 4+2 in the front and 6+2 in the rear. The stock tires are 25x8x12 and 25x10x12.
Same as the Trooper only 12". Cheapest thing to do is find a set of Trooper wheels & use the tires until bald. Then replace from DiscountTireDirect,com or RockyMountain.com
Both also have wheels if you want to buy aftermarket.
The specs on the Trooper wheels can be found in one of the Pinned Topics at the top of the Joyner Forum.
rocmoc n AZ/Mexico