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    kawasaki mule

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  1. come guys and gals- start posting-lets discuss our favorite past times! UTV's !!
  2. Welcome. the hesitation is from a restricted slow speed running jet partially clogged. it probably won't get better. Just get a manual,disconnect the battery, pull the carb, remove the float bowl carefully,pour out the gas from inside the carb into a clean pan (don't smoke), unscrew (1) brass jet a ta time, and blow with compressed air-or- a brass wire strand from a wire brush (pull one strand out with needle nose plier) run this wire strand through the tiny hole in the jet, use an aerosol can of compressed air for computer/cleaning if you don't have access to an air compressor. It is usually the smallest dia. brass jet inside the lower cavity of the carb. re-assemble. I assume no responsibility, but if you take your time, use the manual, you should be running good again. This should take about 1-1/2 hrs time to do.
  3. This looks like a newer forum. I hope I can be of some help. I really like playing in the dirt 2006 -Kawasaki ATV, 2004, KDX 220 ,2006 Suzuki DRZ, 20 HP lifted E-Z go golf cart, and soon to be Mule 600 or 610 owner. I will have to give up on the bikes since I blew out 4 discs in my back. So I still will enjoy 4 wheel fun ! I have rebuilt more engines than I care to remember, fabricated some pretty cool stuff including a motorcycle side car, so maybe I can help someone with a problem here.
  4. I was refering to the 600 or 610
  5. That would be a mule 600 or 610
  6. I am going to add a FM/CD player.I am going to use some Radio shack outdoor speaker & housings. Any suggestions on location(s). I have seen some of the under the roof mounts-neat but too expensive, maybuild one myself-or is in dash location best? any other sugestions?
  7. I am going to buy a new Mule soon-I need to sell my like new 400DRZ first-(medical issue). I was wondering if some of you late model owners would share some info. How much are -air filters (paper or foam), oil filters OEM or after market, cost of drive belt, any other wearable items, clutch part life, brake shoes, how long does a tank of fuel last (approx HRS), any repete problems, engine issues? I would rather have a mule than one of the larger SxS.
  8. I would like to know where you can get a 50 amp charging unit for these engines. I think that is about 35 amp over stock !. I think I would just install a bigger battery, an onboard 110v 1-1/2 amp charger and just plug into the wall to charge at the end of the day.
  9. From what I see and have heard - the Mule is a great work vechicle . It is not going to be a performance vechicle with a 13hp engine. That being said 25 mph is fast enough to be entertaining. The best things I can see are- Good price, width allows it to fit in the back of a full size pick-up (but you better have some really heavy duty ramps), There are so many sold that parts should be available for ever. I have built Golf carts with bigger engines-but the mule is a good combination of size, power, and usuability. The newer ones look cool and the bigger tires and suspension will make it more "fun" usuable. I own acerage ( all sand) and this is perfect for work and play. Don't ride in a Razor or aTereyx first. Those type are sports SxS, and have "v" twin engines = haul @__.
  10. I don't have a mule -but maybe I can help. I have worked on engines for 35+ years. The late model mule has basicially a lawn mower engine. Of those the fuel pump is usually operated off the crankcase pressure. make sure you are installing new gaskets-if the fuel pump is of the type that bolts to the side of the block. next make sure no mud dobber wasps have plugged any holes in the end of hoses or tubes/vents. You mave have oil pumping up into the air filter housing at/by the carb because of excessive crank case pressureblow-by, -blocked vent tube(s), restricted air filter, oil overfill, . As far as life of the fuel pump-there may be trash or sand in the fuel tank rupturing the diaphram.
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