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2scoops last won the day on May 31 2019

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About 2scoops

  • Birthday 10/08/1976

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    Fabrication, offroading, snowboarding, fishing, hunting/shooting, golf

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  1. Headed up "The Chute" on Flat Iron Mesa trail.
  2. Pic of trooper with La Sal Mountains in the back ground.
  3. I have the upgraded uhmw bushings silverbullet sells. They are definitely an improvement. Not sure is he is even in business anymore... If I need to replace again I will just research online and see what I can find then post on the forum. But I am good for now.
  4. 2008 model trooper inner wheel seal (book is wrong) it's a 62x42x8 not 65x42x8. They below fits : National 224250
  5. Looking for used parts really. Original 2008/2009 model troopers. It appears there are several different axle types/designs/updates. My trooper suspension is specifically modified for the original versions.
  6. Simply badass mixfix. Super impressed with your ingenuity. Guys like you are the heart and soul of the Joyner family.
  7. Jim Sorry I haven't checked in for quite awhile (waiting for snow to melt). I have an inner cv housing, but it's Tiny! I have ordered two replacement axles now and both of them have been different sizes from original (2008 model). The first one came from Joyner USA which was smaller in diameter than original less splines and really unimpressive and the second I found on ebay which it larger but the inner bell was shorter! That doesn't work with my moded suspension. So frustrating. Send me the dimensions you are in need of and I'll see if I have anything that will work. Apparently Joyner has changed design or vendors over the years.
  8. I am interested in any old trooper axle parts you may have lying around. Please let me know if your want to sell them. Backstory: Hey everyone. Last trip out to moab I climbed a wall on poison spyder Mesa while 2 rzr xp1000's and three can am x3 xrc's watched me and didn't dare try. After doing it once I pulled around to show them it wasn't a fluke. One on the can am x3 xrc drivers just looked at me and said "that's steep". On the second try I spread the bell on the left rear axle. I made the climb but now the inner cage slips inside making a loud popping noise as twisting the boot. I mainly just need the inner bell but I am interested in anything you have.
  9. It's badaass that's what it is! You gotta rock that thing. The rzr and can am owners are getting tired of looking of looking in the mirror (that's deep if you get it).
  10. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Are you driving around with your locker on all the time? This is especially tough in your machine if it's on pavement. Does it clunk when the locker is disengaged? How many miles on you machine? Can you tell how play? 1/8 th of a turn? Some play is normal.
  12. I don't ever recall anyone attempting that on this forum. If it were me I'd keep it rear drive and put a Honda motor in it with more HP.
  13. 2scoops


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