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Jim Kessell

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Everything posted by Jim Kessell

  1. I gave up on the Subaru robin from hell.
  2. That’s what I was hoping it would be. All I need, many thanks my friend !!
  3. Anyone know the dimensions of the output shaft for a Subaru Robin EH65 ?? Thanks Jim
  4. WB I was hoping you would respond. It was definitely gas infused and slightly over full. Took the carb off and changed the float and needle valve. Reworked the fuel solenoid. I have it running pretty well now but was having the issue with the blow back.
  5. I apologize to all who I left scratching their heads about my last post !! Turns out to be fuel diluted oil coming from the breather. I’ll be taking the carburetor off AGAIN !!!
  6. 2005 American Landmaster EH65 Subaru Robins spits fuel from breather hose into the air cleaner and then down into carb. What’s causing this ??
  7. Haha yea it looks like a pile for sure. I did buy it complete. I’ve done a few atv’s like this. I buy junk and fix them. I really avoid buying parts new unless absolutely have to !! I’m retired so I do this to keep busy.
  8. WB It is running… thank god !! Got it to idle but it won’t take a lot of throttle. Need to research the whole choke/throttle setup. I appreciate all your help !! I’m a lot further along than I would have been and I’m thankful for your support !! IMG_2457.mov
  9. WB Got the valve procedure Thanks ! Is there any option other than the OEM Nikki carburetor for the EH65.
  10. WB Do you know of a valve adjustment process for a landmaster 653cc engine ?? Thanks Jim
  11. Not sure of model. Don’t have a title yet. How can you tell from VIN ?? Northeastern PA
  12. Hi All 2010 653cc Need any information on a Subaru Robins EH65 engine. Particularly the carb vacuum line to the bottom of the carb. I think it’s disconnected internally in the engine. Thanks Jim
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