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Everything posted by Kinarfi

  1. Here's the picture of just what you asked for, more or less. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByQAhs0e-yF9UmFRQm1xMXZyM1E/view?usp=sharing Here's the whole folder to help you figure out what you're looking out. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByQAhs0e-yF9ZjNtc1JlTEVpQ0U&usp=sharing The schematic is of what I changed my system to, I used FETs instead of relays. PM me if you need to talk to me
  2. here's the photo of just what you asked for, more or less. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByQAhs0e-yF9UmFRQm1xMXZyM1E/view?usp=sharing Here's the whole folder which may help you figure it out. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByQAhs0e-yF9ZjNtc1JlTEVpQ0U&usp=sharing PM me if you need to talk
  3. if worse comes to worst, go to McMaster Carr, I got some good one for my old Trooper, then I covered them with grease and wrapped them with polyurethane foam to keep the grease in and the dirt out. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByQAhs0e-yF9ZmFMUWNVc1JOcjA/view?usp=sharing
  4. Adjust your butterfly/throttle screw so it idles or replace your DLA, Page 106 of 2008 manual, see attached. My DLA died long ago and I had the same problem, I adjusted the screw and had no problems since. Also, another idea for you is to add a light to you ECU, pin 70 to tell you if you have an engine malfunction (check engine soon light) See the last few entries -- https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByQAhs0e-yF9ZjNtc1JlTEVpQ0U&usp=sharing If interested, let me know and I'll explain how I did it. Jeff
  5. My 08 Trooper acted the same way when it's rings were worn, it wouldn't start with starter, but would start with pull or coast down hill and once warmed up, it would start & run just fine. Check you compression. How many miles on your rig? Look inside your intake tube, is there any dust? Jeff
  6. http://www.utvboard.com/topic/3690-kinarfis-2008-yellow-trooper-t2-4sale/
  7. I bought a 2015 Trooper, so I will be selling the 2008 Trooper, lots of modifications are searchable in the Joyner section. I'll add some sites to go see as I develop them. Jeff
  8. do you have an online catalog?
  9. I've made a few more modification / additions to my new Trooper. I started out to add a windshield that I could fold up out of the way if I wanted to and ended up adding gas springs to hold the hood up when open, the gas springs I ordered for the windshield were too long and too strong, so I used them on the hood and got shorter, weaker springs for the windshield. The photos for the hood are here :https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByQAhs0e-yF9VllUc1dUM00zdzg&usp=sharing and the photos for the windshield are here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByQAhs0e-yF9S1dHVXdnRzE0ZUU&usp=sharing If you have trouble viewing these, let me know and I'll put them in the gallery Jeff
  10. Here's another mod you may or may not be interested in, if you have a fan that turns on & off, it keeps the fan running all the time, but at a slower speed so it comes on less. I did this because the new Troopers like mine have the radiator up just behind the seats, it's not really that noisy, but I could, so I did. http://www.utvboard.com/gallery/image/1086-fan-run-slow/ http://www.utvboard.com/gallery/image/1087-img-20151101-112005/ http://www.utvboard.com/gallery/image/1088-img-20151101-112043/ Jeff
  11. I went to the Sand Dunes and had a good time, the suspension was a lot better than what I have on the 08 and the power is a lot better, but then the engine is new too, I also did some riding in the mountain area which is actually my preference and followed one trail until it came to what looked like a treacherous down, I was alone, so I chose not to go down it, Later I went to the bottom of the trail and went up it and turned around and came back down, the Trooper is very sure footed and stable on uphills and side hills. I did have one little mishap though, I was ripping a narrow whoop de do tail and got side ways a bit and snagged a sage brush and cracked a rear fender, bummer. I asked Brandon if he had any in stock and he didn't have one in blue, but said to sand down the area around the crack and epoxy it with JB Weld. So I'm in the process of fixing that and finishing other modification and additions, I opened up a new photo album here also. http://www.utvboard.com/gallery/album/146-kinarfis-new-blue-2015-trooper-t/and I took a whole bunch of photos for myself of it new and untouched for future references in case I need to see how it was in the beginning. To me, the Trooper is a unique machine, hope it's around for a long time! Jeff
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