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Michael Wood

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  1. They don’t Iv tried. Massimo blows. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Would that ruin the calipers or the whole system? I’m going to bleed the whole system and replace all the pads. It’s almost like there is no fluid release when the pedal isn’t being pressed. I only broke down one caliper. Also where can I find the parts? If you know. I looked on parts boss but that really sucks. Also I have to look up parts for a bennech cowboy 400. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I have a 2018 Massimo Buck 400 with 278 miles. Having issues with my brakes. Took the buggy hunting and when I let my foot off the gas pedal it pulls without pressing on the brake. I looked and the pads on all 4 wheels are all toast. The E-Brake hasn’t been on since I have had it. I am guessing it may be a master cylinder issue because all 4 pads are gone. They all seem to have worn evenly that’s why I think the master cylinder. Just got the machine used from a older couple and they said it sat for some time in there pole barn. Possibly the brake lines? Calipers? I took one brake apart and when I depressed the caliper it didn’t stay. Any help is muck appreciated.
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