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Everything posted by AngolasBest

  1. Nah, not building it for rock crawling, or I would have went with 14 bolt axles and housing. This will be specifically for the mud and lakes, and creeks. Will be outfitted with a fantastic sound system and a huge cooler for beer and shots!!
  2. Well, I decided the Joyner T4 needed a few mods. This is a work in progress, but will be fantastic when I am finished. I am hoping to have it done no later than August 1st. I am building a sub-frame for the T4, removing all axles, A-arms, diffs, etc from the Trooper. I will be installing a 4 link, with King Coil Over Shox (39in), Transfer Case, Jeep Dana 60 axles built with 4.88 gears, bump cage for the T-Case, and somewhere between 44" - 54" Boggers. The rear of the Joyner is also getting a new look due to an engine swap and auto trans. I havent decided yet if I am going to put in the 6cyl out of the jeep I bought or a SB 302. This will be the last thing to be completed. I have just started building the sub-frame and removed all of the drive-train. I will have a lot of pics of the build, but may take me a little while to post. WHY??? I havent driven the Joyner in a while as we always take the Brute Force's out to ride. Everywhere we go has nothing but lakes and mud pits, and with the length of the T4 I high center way to often. South East Texas is lacking the dunes that you all ride on. LOL!!!
  3. Crap! That is just to far away from Houston!!
  4. Here is on of the wife and I. Wish all of you werent so far away for these jamborees. We would enjoy this!!
  5. Rocmoc, if we are going to share photos and numbers, can you lock this thread to where it cant be read by the "world"?
  6. What the heck is going on in June? What did I miss?
  7. I heard that!! Still havent got the doors BTW. LOL
  8. Thanks Rick! So when are you fabricating doors for mine Rick?
  9. Where are you ordering the cooler from?
  10. But 30's should fit fine without having to modify the firewall correct?
  11. I have heard the biggest tires you can run on the T4 is 30". Is this true? If so, do you rub at all when turning? Do you have to have the power steering add on to run this big of a tire?
  12. Any pictures of the new Troopers yet? Any word on a price for an auto trans to put into my 2009? and will it work?
  13. 2 Scoops, Tons of sense and rationality in your post. I was not saying I would post anything on google about Siverbullet, just stating it can be done. I hope none of you took it that way, even though if you did, I can understand why after re-reading my post. No harm meant though. I do have to agree with you though Scoops. It is what it is and they can charge 1000 bucks for it if they want too. You dont have to buy it from them nor do you have to buy any of their other parts, but good luck finding most of these items elsewhere. Finally a discussion on here where a lot of members are involved.
  14. I agree 1000% Crawln. There are only a couple of forums for Joyners, this one probably has the most joyner members out of them all. And being that they mostly in Joyner parts/sxs this is a bad way to do business. This could be spread throughout the internet. It could easily be placed in google to come up right before their website when "Joyner" is typed in. Lets give them another day or so to rebuttle and plead their case before anyone takes any action. Hopefully its not true, this could easily shut a business down in such an already turbulent market.
  15. That looks good! How much did you buy the fox shox for and where?
  16. Jarrad, have you had bad dealings with them or is it because they use to be your competition? Is all of this true?
  17. No response?? Hopefully Silverbullet has not checked the forum today. I would hope they wouldnt do this to their customers, especially from this forum. We are all waiting on you SILVERBULLET.
  18. Sounds like excuses to me. Are we scared to get the joyner a little dirty? LOL J/K
  19. what shocks were they? Brand??
  20. its not just one pic. Every single pic comes up that way. The only way for me to see it right now is to save it to my desktop and open it. It comes up on a web page.
  21. LOL. a little hard work never killed anyone!
  22. Thanks Rick. I know I asked you on another thread where you got your windshield, back windshield and the painted pieces running down the sides (top of T4) but cant seem to find that post. So where did you get them?
  23. I dont know what I am doing wrong, but all i get is a box with a red X in the thread whenever Lenny attaches a pic. I sure would enjoy being able to see his pictures as he has a ton of great ideas. Any idea on what I am doing wrong?
  24. any word on when they are supposed to come back?
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