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About Hutch

  • Birthday 01/25/1989

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  1. I'm still working on it. The new injector i bought was bad. Put the old one in and bought a new ECU from motorcycle doctor and it fired right up. Was running great. Long story short I melted the o2 sensor to the exhaust because I wasn't paying attention and fried the Harness. Replaced the Harness an o2 and now it won't run again. Trying to figure a ton of new symptoms. I do know that one of the initial problems was th o2 sensor. It is what was throwing all the codes.
  2. I did clear the codes and they came right back. I'm not sure why so many codes are popping up especially since I've replaced everything. I did check the TPS and the voltage and resistance were good. I did replace the IAC and also cleaned the throttle body. When it shuts down I can hear the IAC reset so I don't think it's sticking. Also when I unplug the IAC it won't run at all. I'm not sure if there is a need or a way to calibrate the sensors, other than resetting the ECU.
  3. Got the cables ordered and ECU Hacker downloaded. Tried starting it and like usual it would stay running. I unplugged the TPS and it started but the RPM's raised to about 4300 RPM. Here is a screenshot of What it was doing. Not too sure where the parameters need to be on these. It seems to be pointing to the TPS since anytime I unplug it, it stays running. With a new harness and TPS I'm not sure why. Is there any calibration I need to do for the TPS and/or the AIC? There is also a screenshot with the fault codes.
  4. Thanks! I will look into all this tomorrow.
  5. I need to try the temp sensor. Thats the only sensor I havent changed yet. I was looking at it Saturday, I unplugged the TPS and it started up and ran at 3k. Plugged the old TPS in and turned it with my finger and the idle raised. Went to adjust the throttle cable and when it went under 2k it would start to fall off again. When I mounted the TPS back in to the throttle body it idled lower but wouldnt stay running. I agree with you on the carbs lol this thing would have been running by now.
  6. I was messing around last night and testing the TPS. It seems like I had a dead spot in the new one so I put the old one back on and it tests fine. Did an ECU reset and still no luck. I'm getting codes 122 and 123 which are both for TPS. Seems like I'm narrowing it down but still stuck. I put the new harness back on and it wouldn't start at all so I'm guessing the new harness is garbage.
  7. I was messing around last night and put a new o2 sensor in didn't seem to help but I haven't done an evu reset since I installed it. I did spray some carb cleaner in the intake and it stayed running. Finally had more codes pop up. 122 and 650. So TPS and MIL Circut Malfunction. I think there is something going on with the TPS which I've already replaced but would make sense if it's not reading correctly that it wouldn't be getting the correct amount of fuel. I'm going to check it with a meter tonight and see if something is messed up there. I've already replaced the AIC and I'm not getting any codes for it anymore. Not really sure what's going on with the MIL Circuit Malfunction but not too worried about it right now. I'll do my best to keep yall updated. Haven't had much time to do any work with the holidays lately.
  8. Okay everyone, need some help here. I got my 2014 Bennche Bighorn 700 from my father inlaw. He has had it since new and as far as I know never had any problems with it until recently. It began with it being hard to start and having to give it some throttle for it to start up. Then it wouldn't stay running once it did start. If you go to start it, it will fire right off and only run for a split second and then die. If you give it some throttle it will start and stay running as long as your foot is on the pedal. While it's running its pretty rough and backfires. Here is a list of everything I've done so far. Initially I checked compression and it was low. I changed the cylinder, piston and rings. Took the head apart cleaned and laped the valves. Checked timing a few times. Adjusted the valves. New spark plug. Checked the air filter, it was fine. New battery. Changed the fuel pump because of a broken fitting. Changed the fuel filter, lines and fuel injector. Dumped the old fuel and put new in. Changed the air idle control, TPS, MAP sensor, Voltage Regulator, ECU and harness. I was getting codes 31, 107, 113 and 122 on the display. Once I changed the ECU no more codes have been displayed but still have the same issues. All fuses look good and as far as I can tell Grounds are good unless there are some I can't find. I'm at a loss here. Not really sure where to go. Compression was better after everything I did but I don't remember the numbers. I'll have to check it again if someone thinks that could be the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  9. Recently got a 2014 Bennche bighorn 700 from my father inlaw. Having problems I just can't figure out. Hopefully someone here will be able to.lead me in the right direction. I'll be posting about the issue soon.
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