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CBS last won the day on March 22 2024

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  • Birthday 04/15/1958

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    HISUN HS550 Performance (Rual King)
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    UTV's Hunting Deer, TV, Ham Radio (Amateur Radio), Masonic Lodge, Scottish Rite 32nd degree, Ainad Shriners, Guitars, Computers.

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  1. I just got off the phone with the company that makes the TINY SCAN 301 and the TINY SCAN TS-140 the TS-140 is the one I have he told me both come with a plug on them that will plug into the Hisun UTV although I have heard the newer HISUN's use OBD2 if you have a UTV like my 2018 HISUN HS-550 Performance made for Rural King by HISUN Motor Company in Texas either Tiny Scan TS-140 or 301 will plug directly into the Hisun diagnostic plug which I finally found when I took the bench seat out and opened the lid over the engine compartment and looked down the driver side of the Engine and found the wire laying way down beside the engine lifted it and low and behold there was the 6 pin diagnostic plug with a plug-in cap that has to be removed to plug in the scanner and replaced to keep dirt and stuff when finished. Hope this helps someone. Oh the 301 does a lot more like connect to iPhone, Android, or PC via WIFI with it's own IP address but is a little over $300 the TS-140 reads and clears codes and only costs $169.
  2. Greetings from Southern Illinois. My name is Bruce and I currently have a Hisun HS550 Performance Rural King. I have had nothing but problems with this unit replaced so many parts of it and of course, it stopped working and will not start again for about the 3rd or 4th time since 2018 it only has a little over 500 miles and has cost me a bunch of money and headache and the Rural King where I purchased it has a repair man who is certified to work on HISUN but he charged me a little over $600 to repair it once back a few years ago and when I got it home after it being in his shop for over 2 weeks the thing worked for a very short time but when I went to start it the next day it was the same thing and they wouldn't check it further without me paying for service, labor, and parts and I went around and around with them and since there aren't any dealer service centers for Hisun near me and even most of them can't get to it for weeks to months and it could be at their shops for months as they tell me they have problems getting the parts needed from Hisun to fix these giant paper weights. Oh, and you can't buy a scan tool (code reader) Delphi 190121 unless you are one of their dealers and I can't find any other scanner tool that works with it except the Tiny Scan Tool which I purchased and it will work if I could find the correct adaptor cable and connector to connect the Tiny Scan to the diagnostic port on the Hisun HS550 Performance Rural King. Yep, I pretty much have been screwed every which way that can happen with this machine. I am disabled, have cancer, and am on a fixed income so I need help if anyone knows what the connector is called (type or part name) that will plug into the diagnostic port to get my scanner to work it is a 6-pin connector and I hear it only has to have 3 wires connected to it. Thanks
  3. View File 2018 HISUN HS-550 Sector Rural King Manuals This is the Service manual, Parts manual, Owners manual, plus much more for my 2018 HS-550 RK UTV Side-by-Side. Submitter CBS Submitted 03/02/2024 Category Hisun  
  4. 3 downloads

    This is the Service manual, Parts manual, Owners manual, plus much more for my 2018 HS-550 RK UTV Side-by-Side.
  5. Can someone tell me what connector plug you need to get to connect my Tiny Scan to connect it to my Hisun HS-550 Performance made for Rural King? The folks at that make and sell the Tiny Scan said it will work on the Hisun with Delphi EFI system. Hisun said the port connection should be under the bench seat although I have yet to find it. He said it is a white connector with black cap that will have to be removed to plug in the code scan tool and I think he said it was a 6 pin plug.
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