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  1. Hey everyone new to forum I have a 2014 Odes raider and a 2009 Suzuki Ozark 250 both down atm 😔
  2. I repaired a bare wire on injector #1 and new O-rings on injectors, ran ok not full power but when warmed up after 5 min or so it starts to surge and won't rev up given full throttle or not no matter what gear is selected, every once in a while it will gain power then lose it again. Doesn't back fire anymore. Any ideas or suggestions other then burning it down.
  3. Hello I am new here but have had this machine for about 5 years. I am having issues with it surging and sometimes sounding like a small backfire thru the intake. When putting in low, high or reverse it will struggle then go full power then struggle. It will only do the small backfire thing while in neutral reving it many times. Once in awhile it will throw a check engine light. Parts replaced/checked: I have checked the valve lashing, timing and adjusted. Parts replaced are the coils, spark plugs, injectors, fuel lines, fuel pump, IAC sensor, TPS sensor, throttle cable, speed sensor, primary and secondary clutch and belt.
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