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Everything posted by 66fastcarss

  1. I think I will look into something very similar to your setup. This would make it perfect for the family. Just need to find folks who can do the fabrication as I am not a welder. I bought my trooper off of ebay from illinois. Got it for $7k. Seemed like a pretty good deal for the shape it was in compared with the others I was looking at.
  2. Will see how things are going and may try to make it.
  3. How does your cover fit. Looks like it is smaller than the trooper dimensions so wondering if it covers/protects everything on your trooper. I will definately be asking some questions on here. Sounds like Kinarfi is very close to me as well so may have some good riding and wrenching help close by. Am excited to get out on it, just busy with work now. So will try to get around to all the little fixes (like the diffs) soon so I can have a dependable and fun ride. So far have only been able to run around our lane with the neighborhood kids and my daughter...still pretty fun though! Jeff
  4. Thanks 2 scoops. So about what did it cost you for the whole setup? Looks like you used the "rhino" seat? Do you carry a spare tire? and if so where? How about other gear (coolers, tools, etc)?
  5. Gosh, that should have been easier to guess. Just never dawned on me. We will definately have to get together for a ride or just to shoot the breeze!
  6. Kinarfi, Thanks for the invite, I just may have to take you up on your offer sometime. At least would be nice to get together and maybe go for a ride. By the way...have been racking my brain and can't figure out where P.G is...will you enlighten me?
  7. Funny thing, went back out and tach was working again.
  8. Thanks guys. The trooper is in the garage for now (while my wife lets me) until I can get a cover for it. Had to laugh. The tach has already quit working. It has power, but no longer reads RPM (just sits at 0). I planned on having to do some things, but hope this is not how it is going to go. I imagine it is just a loose wire somewhere, but will have to follow the wires back and see. Jeff
  9. Well, I have went and done it! I bought a 2009 trooper T2 with only 320 miles and just got it last night! It looks totally new like it has never even seen a trail so am pretty excited. I am sure I will be on the board frequently with stupid questions so please bear with me. Unfortunately it will have to live it's first year outside (until I can save enough for an enclosed trailer) as we don't have enough room in my garage and the wife is not willing to let me use her spot Is anyone aware of someone making covers for the trooper? I inquired about a custom cover for it at a local place, but looking at $300 for a non-waterproof and over $400 for a waterproof version which seems kind of steep. Also wondering if anyone has put a childs seat in the back (I have a 4 year old) and if so what seat did you use and how did you go about it (how did you mount it and where did you mount seatbelts). Any suggestions would be appreciated. Jeff
  10. Thanks Rick, That's what I was thinking. Do you guys have any recommendations on the longevity of these things? What kind of miles/hours can you reasonably (and reliabley) expect to get from the driveline (engine/trans)? Gumball--PM sent for some pics and info. Jeff
  11. Thanks for the info all. The troooper I was looking at didn't pan out. They decided to keep it--their son wanted it. So will keep looking. I am in the Sandy, UT area. Will keep you all posted on the search and am sure I will have even more questions when I find the right one. I did have one more question now about my search. Would you all suggest the '09's are enough improved over previous years that I should limit my search to this year and try to find one with the upgrades or would a well cared for '08 be just as good? THanks for the advice. Jeff
  12. Rick, Thanks for the reply. So it sounds like if this one has the 3 levers I am probably ok or do I need to check regardless? Is there some kind of marking on the "weak" bolts that would let me know if this has been corrected or not if I do delve into the differentials?
  13. Hello, I am new to the board and hopefully about to be new to the side-by-side world. I have been looking for a sxs to take out and play here in Utah. After doing some research I am considering looking to find a used Joyner Trooper T2. I am aware of their history with business issues and that they may be just starting to return to the US hopefully. I really like a lot of the things the joyner offers over the rzr's and rhino's etc, especially the cost difference and sounds like they are better climbers. What I was wondering is if anyone could tell me specific things to look at for an 09 trooper t2. I have found one in my area here in Utah and am going to look at it. Is there anything I should pay particular attention to or ask questions of the owner about? I have read somewhere that many of the problems with the differentials and other issues were worked out by 09? Is this correct? If I do purchase, are there things that I should address with this particular year/model before I take it out? Thanks in advance for any and all advice you all may have. Jeff
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