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Everything posted by ibike

  1. I have a bighorn 400 that had a similar problem. On pavement it was horrible, but in the dirt not so noticeable. If it’s like mine you’ve got glazing of the clutch shoes and bell. Toook some sand paper and removed the glaze and now she’s as smooth as silk
  2. Posted April 25, 2021. Probably won’t respond to you😩
  3. Yeah. I struggle with how you lock it up and roll over? Maybe if the front axle is locked in? Also seems like the belt would be the weak link and shear. Dunno. 🤷
  4. It’s best to do a good inspection on all nuts bolts and areas needing lube. Make sure everything actually functions like they should. My front axle had trouble engaging and eventually completely stopped working. New parts are on their way to fix that. It helps to be mechanically inclined on these things. Don’t know if the more expensive rides are better built, and trouble free but like you I’m enjoying mine.
  5. Some of the posts on here talk about rolling over and only going 20mph when the belt shreds and locks up the wheels. That’s an incentive for me to buckle up. I love the Darwin awards ideal. Works in the animal world and ours too.
  6. There was a video on YouTube of a couple of dudes riding wild. Rolled over and landed on his neck. Looked like it ended badly. I use the excuse that I usually only go slow, but it’s probably not smart on my part. Every person in my hood rides around no helmet. Heck one lady rides her baby in her arms around. My neighbor is a fireman and he seems to think people are not smart. Told us about a 73 year old couple passed out on fentanyl he had to attend to.
  7. No helmet. Ride around the hood mostly hardly ever exceeding 20 mph. Ride around the eight acres picking up sticks and cleaning stuff. Sometimes I wear the seatbelt. Visit the neighbors caring a beer or two. I live in a very rural area. No internet, cornfields everywhere.
  8. This dry clutch is twice the size of a go cart type clutch. Bigger shoes and bell. And I think you could be right about pulling too heavy a load. I do use it to pull a five x ten trailer around in the yard. Can’t remember if the jerking started before or after pulling that trailer. Probably won’t do that again for awhile till I see how it fairs after sanding the shoes and bell. The trailer weighs 900 pounds and the sxs is supposed to be okay up to 1200pounds. im actually leaning towards I pulled it before the clutch got broken in good. The glazing was mostly on 2/3 of the shoes and not on the edges.
  9. Suspected a glazed over clutch bell or the clutch shoes and it appears I’m correct. The Bighorn explorer from TSC 400cc engine only has a dry centrifugal clutch. No wet clutch. Here’s some pics of what I found. Took some Emory cloth and removed the glazing and first ride feels good. Don’t know how long it’ll last but it sure is great now.
  10. What’s the deal with the chinamesiam stuff having difficulties getting parts?
  11. The wife loves to mow, so who am I to stand in the boss’s way? Bad thing is she gets the zero turn and I get to trim and weed eat. She loves to mow so much I volunteered her to mow a new to the hood neighbors yard in their process of moving here. We will mow their yard most of this year. They have six mowable acres and we have six too. Twelve acres to mow, old age, and 100° temps means I drink a lot of water, Gatorade, and beer. Gottta learn to keep my mouth shut when volunteering her yard mowing love!
  12. @Alex Fantastic! You fixed the add conundrum. It was really awful. Thank you so much. The forum is useable now.
  13. Same here. Time to look elsewhere
  14. I bought a Silent Rider muffler to add on the existing muffler. I haven’t had the chance to install it yet but they rave over how it makes them quieter. Got a couple of other issues to work on before I get it permanently installed. Best I can tell with it temporarily hanging there it takes some of the popping noise down a bit.
  15. 7:44 The inventor of the treadmill died at the age of 54. The inventor of gymnastics died at the age of 57. The world bodybuilding champion died at the age of 41. The best footballer in the world, Maradona, died at the age of 60. James Fuller Fixx, credited with helping start America's fitness revolution by popularizing running, died of a heart attack while jogging at age 52. However ... The Kentucky Fried Chicken inventor died at 94. Cigarette maker Charles Winston died at the age of 102. The inventor of opium died at the age of 116, not even of natural causes but in an earthquake. And, the Hennessey whiskey creator died at 98. How did smart people come to the conclusion that exercise prolongs life? The rabbit is always jumping up and down, but it lives for only two years, and the turtle, that doesn't exercise at all, lives for 200 years. Oh yes of course, Hugh Hefner died at 90 on the job ( or shortly thereafter) So in 2024 chill, stay cool, eat, drink and enjoy your life.
  16. Dang I hope I never get that old. You old geezers……..wait dang it I am that old. How’d it go so fast?
  17. Some of the newer models restrict speed when the seat belt is not buckled. Maybe try getting the seat belts corrected might help?
  18. 🤣
  19. You beat me to that one. 1500lbs on a plastic bed. Nah.
  20. My neighbor has a Tracker from bass pro shops. It is the quietest I’ve heard. You cannot hear them coming down the road. Riding in it it’s really quiet compared to my Tractor Supply Big Horn. My neighbor hood has mules, Lowe’s version, and big horns. The tracker is the quieter
  21. So cut some metal squares from scrap or go to Lowe’s and pick up some metal sheets. Just like above rivet or bolt to add support to those areas that are cracked. The bigger area you cover the better. Do it from the bottom to make it look more professional. Probably not great to haul firewood in the plastic bed. You might also look into a metal sheet to cover and add support to the entire bed. My past job experience we “scabbed” vibration conveyors using the metal squares with great success.
  22. If it’s anything like mine the connectors are kinda junky and don’t always make good contact. Reseat all concerned connectors and make sure they are contacting good. My 4wd wouldn’t engage, had 12vdc to the connector and 26.5 ohms on the front diff magnetic coil. It had flat pins in the male side of the connector so I gave a bit of a twist to them and it’s been working fine since. have you solved your overheating problem?
  23. Thanks for that insight! Don’t know if mine needs any adjustment yet. Still haven’t taken it for a night time/early morning ride.
  24. Yep that looks just like Tony’s remote receiver. The blue wire is the antenna.
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