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Everything posted by Randyh79

  1. Has anyone had to replace the dash light on their Highsun?
  2. How in the world did you change them on the "U" joints?
  3. The plug in the glove box is for a battery maintainer I've heard. It's not a power plug because I pluged a 12 volt sprayer into it and it blew the ECU fuse. The buggy was like you took the battery out of it. The fuse was 5 amp and when the sprayer loaded up it blew the fuse. Good luck with your buggy.
  4. Is there a way to adjust the brightness of the dash light on aHisun 750 sector?
  5. I'm going to try one of these.
  6. Thanks Nods, That did it. I thought that might be a ground for a different application or something. I didn't see anything in the manual about it. Thanks again for saving me some work.
  7. Are you talking about what's in the red circle?
  8. Well I called the dealer and he was going to call the UTV Rep. and ask about headlight alignment. I haven't heard anything yet so I removed the assembly to check it out. I didn't see any way to adjust the headlight so I will try putting shims on the top mounting screws which will tilt the assembly at the top, giving me the hight I need . I'm posting a pic of the headlight assembly. I don't see any adjusting screws. Not sure what's under the black plastic caps but it didn't appear to be adjustment screws. Randy
  9. Does anyone know how to adjust the headlights on a 2024 Hisun sector /Bad Boy Bandit 750? The high beams are where the low beams ought to be. Thanks Randy
  10. Thanks, Thats what I thought but wasn't sure. All of the motoercycles I've owned have been that way but wasn't sure about the UTV because of the Hisun terminology. My UTV is a Bad Boy Bandit 750. But it's actually the same as the Hisun Sector 750. Just bought it last month. Been a good machine so far. Plenty stout
  11. I just found this video on shifting. It starts on the shifting topic at about the 10:00 mark. This makes a lot of sense. https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?&q=Hisun+750+oil+change&&mid=1ED3DFBE3D16F0AA5EB01ED3DFBE3D16F0AA5EB0&mmscn=mtsc&aps=399&FORM=VRDGAR
  12. Does the transmission share the crank case oil with the engine or does it have its own oil seperate from the engine?
  13. Thanks I'm west of Crockett
  14. Thanks Travis, good info
  15. Just bought a Bad Boy Bandit 750. Need to change the oil and filter. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm pretty sure this a Hisun 750 Sector even though it says it's a Bad Boy. I'll include pics soon.
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