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About htrotte

  • Birthday September 23

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  1. Thank you! I finally found a wiring diagram that shows what it is. The one on the head is the warning light and the other is the ecu sensor.
  2. Thanks Joe. I had about come to that same conclusion but couldn't find anything on it..
  3. Is it possible to add power steering? If so where do I find parts?
  4. #1 While troubleshooting an issue with temp warning light I discovered another temp switch mounted in the pipe going to the head The two switches are literally 6 inches apart. Does anyone know what this third switch is used for? If i can figure out how I will post pictures. Author #2 Finally got the pictures took. See the photo and tell me if you know what the switch on the right is. It looks to be factory and I know the girl who bought it new and she didn't install it. I can't find anything on it in any manual i have looked at. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Finally got the pictures took. See the photo and tell me if you know what the switch on the right is. It looks to be factory and I know the girl who bought it new and she didn't install it. I can't find anything on it in any manual i have looked at. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. While troubleshooting an issue with temp warning light I discovered another temp switch mounted in the pipe going to the head The two switches are literally 6 inches apart. Does anyone know what this third switch is used for? If i can figure out how I will post pictures.
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