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Pop Bob

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Pop Bob last won the day on March 12

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  • Birthday September 25

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  1. What color are the wires? Have you checked to see if they become energized by turning on the key, or operating any switches or controls?Check to see if one is a ground. Make sure that everything that should operate does operate. If it becomes an issue, trace the wire( giant pain in the ass) Be patient- have fun- keep us informed Pop Bob
  2. 👍Thanks. Learn something new every day
  3. The post header refers to trans overheating. Explain? Pop Bob
  4. As was already said, make sure the fan is working. You can easily hear it. Get a continuity tester and test the fan switch. Jumper the fan motor and make sure it works.
  5. Space Ghost- Welcome. I believe that's about the best intro I've see on any forum. Thank you for your service. I have no opinion on your intended model as I'm not familiar with it. I just Wanted to say Hi and Welcome Pop Bob
  6. I would suggest checking out the OnX Offroad app. Very good app for trail riding, not expensive and they often run discounted upgrades. Well worth the money! Pop Bob
  7. Kind of like on a tractor. Yes, technically it will work, but it won’t be legal. The emergency brake must be separate from the service brake.
  8. 👍 Good job!
  9. I haven’t a clue what you said. Please repost and be clear and give some info. ( make, model, year, events leading to problem. ) PB
  10. Could it have jumped valve or ignition timing? Do a compression test. You said it was spraying fuel. It doesn’t take a lot of fuel to make it idle
  11. Wow. That totally sucks. What would cause the chain to jump time? How many hours on it? What did the compression test show? P B
  12. Well I’ll be dogged. I saw this post the other day and thought “I think I’ve seen this on my 500 vector before.” So today I turned the key on and watched as the system booted up and sure enough- it does display 700-7. I guess it doesn’t matter. Seems to work okay. Mystery solved Pop Bob
  13. I thank you PB
  14. Look at this weeks email of trending topics. The vast majority are all posts for temu ads. Yes, it is getting annoying. We don’t have this problem on the diesel f150 forum, nor on Toyota Nation. Pop Bob
  15. I agree with you about the master cylinder. The biggest thing for me, though, is ‘why is the fluid getting dirty so quickly’? I’m wondering if the system was contaminated from the beginning and just wore out the seals in the master cylinder. Make sure to collapse all your calipers, and then flush the heck out of the system and hope your calipers survive if there was contamination. Good luck. Keep us posted. Pop Bob
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