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  1. By the way,,,,,thanks for all the input!
  2. He said he checked the linkage.
  3. Anyone think it could be a clutch issue?
  4. Definitely not the problem. I wondered how the machine “knows” if you have your foot on the brake? Sensor, relay, or mechanical device?
  5. My father-in-laws 750 hisun will not change gears unless he completely turns the motor off then shifts. I thought it might be a brake problem but he thought clutch. He took it to a jackleg down the road and he basically charged him $300 and did not fix a thing. Any ideas would be useful because he really can’t afford throwing money at it.
  6. My father-in-law has a Hisun 750. It has started to not change gears while running. He can turn it off, change gears, then restart and it will change. I thought it might have something to do with the brake but can’t find any info. Thanks in advance for any info.
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