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  1. is msu 700 same as a masimo 660? or where would parts microfiche? be for a 660?
  2. after i cleaned her up with baking soda blast the one pic can see where the head gasket was burnt thru leaking radiator water into the cylinder when i bought it from freak-a-zoids hill billys
  3. 1...wow!! GOOD FIND! THX HEAPS! even has bolt thickness .to bad their all wrong..lol. 2....i got 8.07 mm however i have two diff 10mm from ace and one will slide thru the head guide holes to the cylinder and one will not ,to thick. . if i decide to tap the cylinder block hole out 3... more later thanks much
  4. LOL.. your funny.. just go to a hardware store..lol these bolts as i found out (after wasting alot of time at ace and calling bike shops) are "proprietary parts" which in this case means they have a runoff of odd threads or diameter or both . so you have to buy your integral parts from massimo. which is fine just wish i knew before . i'll prob drill out one bolt hole of its stainless insert and run a HELICOIL to 3/8 x 125 stainless bolt
  5. IKR!,, kids and siko adults . the ones who for some reason beat the living zhit out of atv,s and side by sides. I wonder if their givin to them or what? i never met a cult like these people b4. happened when i bought at atv also.. its like those 2 back woods guys in that burt Reynolds movie deliverance ..LOL believe me i never saw a starter in the jetski world of salt water racing that just didn't come right out b4. tried some heat .and ez twisting the starter w giant harbor freight monster plyers . then tapping with wood and hammer till the neck broke off..LOL.. even then i had to grind what was REALLY stuck inside near the flywheel gear to keep a circle shape.
  6. parts for massimo, hisun,etc in florida? where can i get parts for the massimo 700.. like bolts and console i didnt see any bolts on amazon to go with cylinders and any thing when rebuilding a 700 engine
  7. 2015 massimo 700.. need cylinder bolt! it some special cut from factory,, its a 125 thread but its like between 8 and 10 mm dont know where to find any ideas? thx
  8. corrosion had its oring neck area jammed in.. and besides that had corrosion in the starter just shorted when ran direct jumper cable to the starter post power to it
  9. wanted. 2015 or abouts engine/ air duct, cover console whatcha got! let me know thx!
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