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Everything posted by whobbies

  1. How did you make the connection to the 3/16" pin and keep it water-tight? Can you send me a picture of the connection to the diff? Thanks, Tony C.
  2. All three of the circuit boards burned-up and I threw the first one away. The second I sent to a friend to see if it could be rebuilt, and the third is still on the diff. If I can't get this to work maybe I'll send you the parts for th cost of shipping. I'm working on developing a simple unit for a bolt-on. Thanks, Tony C.
  3. I have now installed 3 electronic 4WD actuators in my T2 Trooper, and am convinced it's not water seepage, they are just junk! I heard there was a manual system being used in the newer models, so I would guess the manufacture agrees. Does anyone know who has this in stock? Thanks, Tony
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