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shawn b

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  1. i have a 2020 hisun 400 utv and brought my bike to a yamaha dealer in canada they said they would work on it.which needed new timing chain and guides and topend rebuilt.after 4 months i went and picked up my bike because they said they couldnt get parts. so i got on amazon and recieved all parts within 30 days.now to get the repair manual out. lol
  2. it was used on an acreage for fence line by older couple.but thats not saying they maintained it;
  3. i dont know i was driving and it started losing power so i shut it off. then 10 min later started it went about 500 feet down road then it just died. the motor made no weird noises or anything like backfiring or clanking. The mechanic said it hit the valves.he said he tried resetting timing chain and while cranking it it jumped again.so waiting for parts to come in and get rebuilt at shop. the machine only has 300 hours on it.sucks i only put 30 miles on it after I bought it used
  4. found out from shop that my timing chain had jumped so i need a top end rebuild.
  5. nope tried a more expensive injector and still wont start guess i will finally have to take it into a shop. Ran out of ideas.
  6. i do have a new inline filter. and tried a new injector. i have ordered a more expensive injector to try that. Will let you know what happens when i get it.
  7. my hisun died on me while driving it started losing power then stalled. it wants to start but wont . it didn't over heat. I replaced plug,fuel filter injector, and fuel pump.put code reader on it and says no codes. have any ideas possibly sensor? Any input on what it could be would be appreciated
  8. i bought the plugin connecters that you mentioned or the hisun 400 utv 2020. and the 6 pin plug was different so i had to cut the plastic housing away for the pins to plug in.and i get no readings or power through it. i looked on amazon or the right one but cant find it.if someone can help of were to find the right one would be great.have the hud hacker and everything else its just the plug to the bike?
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