Background: Bought a used 2012 700, added 2 small LED lights, wiring for a sprayer and changed front CV axles.
Had no electrical issues until recently. The old battery stopped charging so we got a new one, Rhino still wouldn't charge it.
-Started next day, drove 15-20min, then out of nowhere the check engine light came on and temp too. 4WD started to automatically engage and disengage repeatedly. Charging display started jumping all around between 11 to 13 to 15v.
-Relays, fuses, and battery connections seemed good.
-Continuity on rectifier would jump btwn OL and 00.0
-Rectifier wires from stator all read 20-21v at idle
-Rectifier diode test had 1 bad reading. So, I replaced it with a new one (but still using original plugs)
Started it up, still shows no change (12.1v idle, 12.8 with some RPM)
Also, I feel like now I maybe also smell burning plastic?
Does anyone have experience with this problem or have a recommendation of where to go next?