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Everything posted by JimWil

  1. Looking for a place/website to order a replacement bench seat and a dump bed fender from. Pics are the original orange when purchased and after painting with a textured bed liner type coating. Just looking for those two parts as mentioned above. JimWil
  2. I disconnected cables, took off shifter arm and sprayed PB Blaster penetrating oil on the shaft coming out of the transaxle, let it sit a while and then started working it manually with a wrench back and forth from reverse to forward . Put it all back together and now it is shifting just fine. Thanks for the input on this shifting issue. Now I need to locate a dump bed fender, one is broken and i might need to replace the seat. Thanks, JimWil
  3. My Bulldog BD300,265cc,4x2 that I purchased from Home Depot 9/2013 has same issues on the Dana Transaxle. It won’t go in reverse or forward. I can see the cables want to move the selector mechanism on the transaxle. I haven’t removed the cables yet to see if I can move it by hand. Anyone figured out/resolved the issue?
  4. Did you figure out why your BD300 won’t move out of gear ? Mine is in neutral and won’t go in reverse or forward
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