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Captain Bob

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About Captain Bob

  • Birthday 06/06/1944

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  • UTV Brand
    Hisun HS-400

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  1. I haven't had any service done there, just bought some parts for my Hisun 400 "Menard's Special." Rural King in Circleville, OH. I imagine that if they have parts any RK would.
  2. I'd bet a dollar to a donut that it's 12v. But, to be sure, get a cheap Volt-Ohm meter and measure where you are going to attach the trickle charger. Harbor Freight has them for 5 bucks or so if they are not just giving them away as promos.
  3. I'm gonna say that a "stuck float" is the best possible answer. The pressure from the gravity feed was likely enough to push open the float valve.
  4. OK, I put a PLASTIC container up on the roll bar with duct tape and filled it with gas. Put a nozzle from my aquarium supplies in the bottom. Ran a hose directly to the carb, bypassing the fuel pump and fuel filter. With gravity as the "pump" I tried to start it and it caught and ran after 2 cranks! I visually verified that the fuel pump was pumping (spurting gas out) and caught the gas in a container. I let it warm up a bit, shut it off, and put everything back as it should be. It then started right up (and has several times over a week, since)! So it's back to normal and I have no idea why it wouldn't start.
  5. What about when you have a "pulse-type" fuel pump (as I have on my Menard's Yard Machines Hisun Carburetor-fed HS-400)? The fuel pump doesn't do anything unless the engine is cranking and the engine is sucking fuel/air mixture.
  6. Yes, very much like that but very basic. No actual door, just lift one end of one tarp. The tarps came from Harbor Freight and were like less than 10 bucks each. The PVC came from Home Depot. Total cost for everything was less than 50 bucks.
  7. Unfortunately, no. It was such a simple setup I didn't take any. I've since bought an enclosed trailer and my UTV spends the winter (on a trickle charger) in that.
  8. I've used what I think is the easiest solution: 2" PVC pipe and the connectors to create 4 legs and the top crossbars and then two tarps laid over 90 degrees from each other. It makes a great shelter and is cheap and easy plus it can be sim,ply taken down and stored for the Summer, if desired.
  9. I have the same one (Menards' Yardsport 400). Mine has been running great for years. Put it up in the shed for the winter. Spring comes and it won't start. I figured it was probably stale gas (sat for 6 months) although I had been doing this every year previously with no problem. So, just in case, Drained the gas & refilled with fresh; pulled the plug > good compression; good spark. Cranks fine. Pulled the air filter element > clean. Sprayed starter fluid into the filter housing > still not a pop. Fuel filter looks dry. Does it get "filled" after starting or ? I'm gonna set up a fuel container on the roll bar so it provides gravity fuel pressure and try that. Anyone have other suggestions?
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