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Travis M

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  1. Just purchased a T-Boss 760 and before putting any miles on it I'm going over all the fluids, grease and problem areas that I've read about online because I know the factory quality control is garbage. I've seen where everyone seems to have leaking axle seals after 2-300 miles on the T-Boss 550 and 760. I think I'm going to switch from the bellow-style diff breather to the automotive style diff breather that they use on my Tacoma and various other vehicles. I'll still keep it extended and infact run it even higher, probably into the air intake box, but I'm hoping this is what's causing the axle seal leak issue on these vehicles. I'll do the modification and report back every couple hundred miles and let you know. I currently only have 8 miles, so it will be a few months before I find out if mine leaks like everyone elses.
  2. Not sure if you ever figured this out, but I just bought a T-Boss 760 and had the same issue. On the console above the steering wheel, you have a button A (left side) and button B (right side). Button A toggles through the odometer, hours, and trip miles. Per the manual, button B is supposed to change the display from KM to MPH but nothing happens when I press it. Then I found a Facebook post with the correct instructions. Using button A make the display show the odometer, then you just press button B and it toggles between KM and MPH. If you have the console showing anything other than the odometer, then button B does nothing. It worked for me, hope it helps someone down the road. Very annoying its not in the instructions, but also wasn't surprised.
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