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Gerald Mohs

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About Gerald Mohs

  • Birthday 01/17/1957

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  1. Is the cam sprocket a bolt removal or is it pressed on? Dang bolt is on tight. Impact wrench won't even move it.
  2. Somewhere I read something about a compression reducer at start up. Could this possibly be stuck so the compression is reduced all the time.
  3. Now I discovered that I have low compression. Reset the valve lash didn't make any difference. What else could it be.
  4. The one where you turn the key on and off three times doesn't work on my t-boss. Wish it would.
  5. Nobody has an answer? Where else can I find information for this problem?
  6. Have a 2023 massiso T-boss 750 stopped one day and won't start. I've checked the fuel injector and has good spray. New spark and has spark. Need advice on getting the trouble codes. What code reader do I need to purchase? Thanks for any help. Jerry
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