I truly dislike the way we are almost forced to do troubleshooting by parts swapping these days. However, I was thinking of getting a new computer as well. I am sure amazon sells them but as with as with all things it can be a bit iffy. I will check eBay as well. It would sure be nice if TS had planned ahead and made sure there were qualified repair shops before they began selling these. Have you tried the PC software HUD ECU HACKER DOWNLOAD ?I followed the excellent instructions from aefron88 and was able to view the codes. Honestly I am not able to make heads or tails of it other than to see that everything appears to be working fine as best as I can tell. It goes without saying I need to buy a manual for it rather than guessing if things are within tolerances. I have two of these UTV's mine is not usable and my wife's is beginning to have problems which is beginning to elevate the priority level of figuring these things out On mine I adjusted the valves replaced the spark plug, several new fuel filters, cleaned the air filter, cleaned the O2 sensor and MAF. I replaced my plug wire as well. I then did the ECU reset procedure. I saw where some one had theirs jump timing and and now needs a new motor. I think I will find the timing chain tensioner procedure next and while there check compression. Gone are the days of slapping a new carburetor on news points plug and condenser and calling it good.
Things are finally cooling off in Florida so I guess it will soon be time to stick it back in the shop and really dig in to this thing. If I find the magic cure I will post the results and try my best to sound like I know what I am doing LOL