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About vachi

  • Birthday June 30

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  1. I think I have this figured out. I got this Hisun in pieces, (basket case) from a business that sold out. after checking electrical i started checking the part number that was on the relay and with the help from the motorcycle doctor i found out it was not the right one, the relay was just lying inside the battery box when i got the atv and assumed it was for the atv. i have ordered the correct one and will post the fix when the new one arrives. if you have a hisun of any kind this guy (motorcycledoctor.com) sales parts for them and is very knowledgeable and helpful.
  2. hi everyone i have this 2021 Hisun forge 250 that won't start. no spark no fuel. when i turn the key on i dont hear the relays click or fuel pump come on. it does have power but the relay doesnt ground the pump or the ignition coil. dont know if there are any safety switches on this model or not. it does crank and all the accessories work. i hot wired the pump and it does work. i found a wiring diagram but it's very hard to figure out and was hoping someone has seen this before. all fuses are good. thanks in advance.
  3. did you ever figure out the no start issue?
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