I think my stator (alternator) may be giving up on me... Barely maintaining a constant 12.5 volts.. Checked all connections. No corrosion or melted spots.. I unplugged the leads that come from the Stator at the engine, both are only putting out around 12 to 13 Volts V A/C.... Whereas it should be 24VAC+ at idle.
Manual calls for .2 to .4 ΩOhms maximum across the leads, My meter was showing .7Ω..
I scraped off a bit of the insulation behind the stator wire plugs to rule out a bad connector (not likely, being both of them) and from the copper wires to ground, still only 12 volts AC or so... Can't complain, it did it's job for 20 years.
And this is for you Joe Breaux "AT LEAST IT AIN'T A MASSIMO"