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  1. Got a 2017 Massimo MSU500 UTV with thermostat malfunction.. hot light comes on in 4-5 minutes but radiator is ice cold... where exactly is it? The hose neck on the head has nothing in it. I was told it was down by oil drain plug.. only thing I see is water pump.. Is in inside pump housing? Cant find any exploded diagrams that show it.. how to I remove it? any help would be appreciated
  2. I have a 2012 Massimo MSU 500 that died. I found that it didn't have spark and the fuel pump wouldn't run. Checked all fuses and none were blown. Went through and replaced the ignition coil, HT lead and spark plug. Still no spark. Thought it could be the fuse/relay box because I didnt' know much about the machine at that point so I replaced it. No spark. Then I replaced the ECM just because I was running out of ideas. No spark. I removed the 9 pin connector and hardwired it making sure that they were no wires got swapped. Still no spark. Then I replaced the wiring hardness. In doing so, I replaced the 9 pin connector with new ones. I made sure all wires were matched up between the engine harness side and the other harness assembly. Still no spark. I have no other ideas what to do. My fuel pump doesn't kick on and I have no spark. I have 12V on the fuel pump, ignition coil and fuel injector, but no ground from the ECM control. I unplugged the fuel injector and waited for a diagnostic code but nothing ever came in. It makes me think that the ECM isn't powering up. I've checked for 12V on pins 18 (purple wire) and 15 (white and black wire). I also checked for ground on pin 2 (black wire). All are good. I am out of options here and I have no idea what else it could be. I have all connections redone and are coated with dielectric grease. I've checked all easy things like fuses and making sure I have 12V in the right placed. I would appreciate any help.
  3. View File MSU 500-700 Wiring Diagram THis is the wiring diagram for MSU500 through MSU700. It looks to be right and I have verified most of it by hand. Submitter FloridaMan Submitted 02/11/2024 Category Massimo  
  4. 33 downloads

    THis is the wiring diagram for MSU500 through MSU700. It looks to be right and I have verified most of it by hand.
  5. I have an issue and I'm hoping that someone can help with a little Wisdom. I have a 2016 Massimo MSU500 UTV that blew a time chain while out riding. It has been torn down to replave the chain and Sprocket amount other things that will be renewed. The problem comes in with setting Top Dead Center on the motor. The Manuals all teel one to line up hash marks on the flywheel with a point on the side cover under what's referred to in several place as a manhole cover. Its a large headed cap/bolt that unscrews and allows you to view the edge of the flywheel. There are hash marks on the flywheel that your supposed to turn the crank until you get the proper alignment between a certain hash mark and a reference point on the Case. Problem is there is NO reference point on the case there. I also have another 2016 MSU500 and a 2014 Coleman 500. Not one of these machines have a reference mark of any kind in that location. (I have pictures if needed) I know I can use the old pull the valve covers and rotate the crank and rely on getting the right point where Both Intake and Exhaust valves are closed at hopefully the correct point in the piston stroke. Is there any other reference point that could be used for this or is this the only thing left to use for finding TDC? Gotta Love documentation that doesn't match the equipment it's supposed to be for, any help would be greatly appreciated. Even if just to tell me that's about my only option. Thanks to all who even take the time to read my rambling question. Robert
  6. I know this topic has come up many times before but I see nothing that duplicates my issue. I replaced the wet clutch and after reinstalling the primary things changed. i had to realign the weights in the clutch because they came out of the slot. Now I have a knocking in the clutch that I cant find the source . I know the one way bearing is correct - spins clockwise and turns the crank if turned CCW. I have included the YT link. The primary is engage enough at idle that I cant put in gear while its running. Idling @ 1300 rpm. Tried new belt and old belt with no improvement. I am not sure the primary should be turning at idle which points to the wet clutch? I started the engin with the primary off and no knocking occurred
  7. New to owning a UTV and got myself a project one as my first one. Changed out the clutch and clutch housing etc. as the UTV was having problems going up hills and getting up to speed but now in the process of putting it all back together it won't start. Also changed fan gears for shifter Here's what I've found so far (apologies for the bullet points); Motor will crank over and makes good turnover speed. If I use spark plug tester or ground to engine, no spark. At the connector to the ignition coil I get consistent 12v on the white wire and nothing at the black. Read in one of the posts that the 12v to the white wire should be intermittent when trying to get a spark at the plug? Tested ignition coil using a multimeter on resistance setting. Between two pins I get 0.46 ohms or thereabouts. Between either pin and spark plug boot I get somewhere around 16k ohms. Not really found a good video on testing these coils but think those are good readings. Checked fuses in fuse box and are all good. Fuel pump cycles on when I turn key to on position. I disconnected the ignition coil to remove the clutch etc. to get it out the way but don't think I've damaged anything in the process. Can anyone point me in the direction of what to try next? Been trying to use the manual but considering the test procedure for the ignition coil is for the wrong type of coil, it's not been too helpful. I've read on another post about checking the ECM the two pins with 12v etc so will take a look at that next but any ideas that could get this machine started again are welcome!
  8. I have a 2013 Massimo MSU 500 project. I just recently got it running after sitting in pieces for an unknown amount of time. I replaced the wet clutch and drum, the primary clutch and belt, the spark plug, ignition wire, and ignition coil. I cleaned the fuel tank, replaced the fuel lines, fuel and air filters. I adjusted the valve lash and the throttle cable stroke. Now to the problem. It tops out in high gear at about 4400 rpm at 27 mph. It tops out in low gear at 5200 rpm at 28 mph? It will rev to about 7500 rpm in neutral. I'm guessing I just don't have enough horsepower for some reason. Ideas?
  9. 2015 Massimo MSU500 was running fine, just died while idling. I put a new fuel pump in as the original was getting noisy, but didn’t solve the problem. I don’t see any damaged wires, and this is the first issue I’ve ever had with it. I can hook a 12v battery to fuel pump directly and it starts fine, haven’t tried to drive it but assume it will run fine if there was power to fuel pump. While I haven’t continuity tested the ground, I have proved the plug and there is no 12v on the appropriate wire. As I said, plug off, alligator clip jumpers to appropriate fuel pump pins and it runs fine. Fuse is good but looks like relay is only replaceable via replacing the whole firewall mounted unit. Any good way to test that relay?
  10. I can shift into reverse and 'high' gear beautifully, but I can't get the UTV to go into low. I hired a mechanic to change the belt, and clean the clutches. When it came back 'low' gear no longer worked. I tried to change I've tried replacing fan gears https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08V97JZL5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 that were worn down, and it shifts better but, didn't fix the low gear problem. I can't shift into low with the engine off either. It indicates that it's in low gear, but I hear what sounds like something spinning in the middle of the UTV. It seems like the mechanic didn't know what he was doing. Never even mentioned it to me that 'Low' didn't work, until I went to use the
  11. Hello All, I got myself into a project with an MSU500 that I got after a dealership had done a teardown on part of the engine. The previous owner had been riding and it died. i was told the dealer said that whatever was wrong couldn't be fixed, parts not available. A bolt for the Starter Clutch had loosened and vibrated out destroying the Stator and shearing the Woodruff key. I have replaced all of that and put the motor back together. My problem now is I'm a Carb. guy never touched an EFI machine and I am getting no gas to the motor. I have confirmed that there is No gas getting to the cylinder, it fires with starting fluid. The fuel pump is working, i have pressure to the Injector and power to the Black and White lead on the Injector and the same on the Red and white lead to the ECM/ECU. I have been reading and trying to understand some of the troubleshooting steps that I've found. I also have done the test with the Injector pulled out and put in a container and tried, not even a drop of fuel comes out. I have also tried with a New Injector installed with the same results. I know this is not a Simple system but any input, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. On a side note: This probably needs a new topic. but while i'm and this will sound foolish but. Does anyone know where the Fuse Box is on a 2016 MSU500?? Believe me I've gone thru everything Under the hood. It is not in with or near the battery box as one manual says. Not one the firewall, inside out under the hood. I have spent hours working on both sides of the motor and Under it and I've not found it there. And after looking up a New Part for this I can't even find what are shown to be the correct Leads from the wiring harness to Plug into the unit. I thank you All in advance for any suggestions or info that you might be able and willing to provide, Robert
  12. Strange problem. My Massimo is getting fuel, fire, compression. Injector is working. Okay if I pop the injector off of the intake, the engine will run till the fuel that was injected in the cylinder is gone. Maybe a few seconds. When I reinstall the injector it won't start. Please help. Valve or timing issue. Thanks. PS - Also if I remove the intake valve cover and turn the key the fuel mist blows out. What is the cause of this? Thanks for any help.
  13. I have a msu 500 looking to get the ecu flashed I have installed a jbs clutch kit spring and shims. and a aftermarket muffler thanks in advance
  14. I was taking my family on a little ride up the road going uphill in our massimo msu 500. Then all of a sudden it quit pulling and the rpms went up way high to over 6000. After we got it pushed on up the hill and turned around was able to coast back to the house. We do ride it alot on the main road, so I am assuming top speed and top rpms constantly is more than likely to blame for this issue, now I just need to know how to fix it. If anyone has any suggestions it is appreciated
  15. So I got this Massimo 500 a couple months ago and ive been trying to figure out what goes here. I cant find any diagrams or anything to help.
  16. Hi guys. I recently purchased a pre-owned Massimo MSU500. It has a few small issues that I am working on, however, I have very little information on this UTV. The guy that sold it to me said it was a 2004 year model. I don't even think Massimo existed in 2004, so, I don't think that is correct. I contacted Massimo Motors customer support and provided them the VIN number and some photos of the machine, but, they said they have no record of that VIN and couldn't help me. I find it ridiculous that the manufacturer cannot help with their own machine. Does anyone know of any other way to find info for this machine. I need to know the year model in order to find the correct parts. I can attach additional photos if that will help. Thanks in advance. 20?? Massimo MSU500 VIN # LWGMDTZ40EB000346
  17. When I start my Massimo MSU500 with cold engine and start off in L gear I hear a loud bang or snap and then it goes. Doesn't do it once engine is warmed up. Is idle too high or is cold idle controlled by CPU? I couldn't find any help on Youtube. Maybe shift linkage? I would greatly appreciate any input. Thanks, I am new to the group and appreciate this forum. Vince
  18. Will a Rhino 660 radiator fan work on a Massimo MSU 500?
  19. I recently purchased 2015 MSU 500 that had 800 miles and about 170 hours. I have replaced the wet clutch, outer clutch and belt. All the parts were from either Parts Boss or one of the other Hisun parts suppliers online. It still has absolutely no power when trying to start moving. If the ground is not perfectly level or down hill no way you can get moving in "H". "L" and "R" is not much better. As a utility vehicle it is useless. No way you could ever pull anything since it can barely get itself moving. Is this common? I don't see how because it is barley functionable. Any suggestions? Does the quality of the belt vary from one belt maker to the other? It appears that something is slipping, the RPMs climb but you don't go anywhere. Trying to decide whether to just cut my losses and write off the $ I paid for it or give it one more try. Any help is much appreciated. Chris
  20. My msu500 has around 200 hours on it. I started it last week put it in low and made it about 6 feet. there was a pop and dead engine. Tried starting it again and it spun really fast and free. Well I started at the top tearing it down and what I’m seeing is the timing gear broke. Everything looks good other than the timing gear and I’m missing two pieces that now of course I have to tear the whole engine down to find lol. Has anyone had this happen? This thing has been a colossal piece of garbage since I’ve owned it. My dad bought it brand new and I got it with around 20 hours on it.
  21. I have a 2018 Massimo MSU 500. I was riding and it just shut down. No noise or anything. Got fire and fuel. It will not crank. Also timing chain is not moving. Was wondering if anyone has run into this. If there was a cam sensor or any other sensor that would do this, or is the engine just done. Thanks for any information..
  22. I am a first time owner of a ATV/SxS. I have owned many many motorcycles (on and off road), boats, PWCs, etc. but never a SxS. Just purchased a 2015 MSU-500 this weekend form the original owner. It has 850 miles (150 hrs), been used each year on the deer lease. Seems to be in very good shape and well taken care of but we will see. I had a few questions I was hoping someone could help with. I want to change all the fluids so recommendations would be helpful for: 1. Engine Oil, any brand or type preference? (reg or syn) 2. Trans/final drive 3. Differential Besides the air filter any other general maintenance I should do before I haul to the cabin? Also, the original winch is not working. Any reason to attempt to repair or just replace? The 500 will be light duty, mostly just hauling brush running around the property so no need to invest in a Warn so I was just thinking something from Harbor Freight. Is it possible to replace the winch and still use the original controller or does that become obsolete and you just use what comes with the replacement? Thanks for input and if there is anything else I should do or know please feel free to chime in. Also, I am well aware of what I have. It is not a Honda or Polaris, it is a Chinese clone and cost a fraction of what a quality brand would have cost. But for what I need and as little as it will be used this fits the bill, I hope. Thanks again Chris
  23. Hey all! Uncle's got a Massimo MSU 500 that he's been having some trouble with and I've been trying to help him out. He bought it used from some guy and I don't think it was in the greatest shape when he got it. The only thing he's done to it is add his Army Air Cav and Vietnam stickers to it. Started off saying it would shift really hard when setting off. Found the dipstick and it was low! So did an oil, air filter, oil filter and spark plug change for him today and it's setting off 1000 times better now. However, it's almost impossible to shift the gear lever. We still had the engine cowl off and I was having to tap the lever on the engine end with a hammer to get it to shift. I don't think it's because of how hard he was pushing the brakes because he seemed to be pushing pretty hard. Got it loosened up a little but still really difficult to get it to move between H L and R. There is what looks like a flashing front diff on the panel when it's running, and a noise coming from the front diff/axle but I don't know if that has something to do with it. Uncle ordered the tune up kit from Dr Motorcycle and he included gear oil, but can't for the life of us figure out where we check this and where it needs to be changed. I've read somewhere that we need to check the diff levels, but that wouldn't make a difference in how it shifts would it? Any and all help welcome as I'd like to get Uncle's side by side running again and allow him to get about his property again.
  24. 2017 msu500 efi. Has spark and fuel. Valves are within clearances. Leave key on I get a 118 code. Ect sensor? Could this keep it from starting Old plug was black
  25. I have a 2012 MSU 500 that recently was having an issue with the motor not starting, I ended up reworking the ground wire at the fuel pump leads and now I have notice that when I switch to 4Wheel drive, it does not work. Any ideals what going on?
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