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Found 10 results

  1. I have a Kubota RTV900 that I am having issues with......it will start up, run about 10-15 seconds then die......turn the key off and wait a few minutes, and the same thing happens. I have gone through all the steps listed to bleed and prime the pump even though I did not run out of fuel....and I cracked the lines on the injector pump and watched fuel pump out as I crank it, so I am not convinced that it is a fuel injector issue......is there a relay that could be causing this? What is the starter timer relay that people have mentioned and what does it do?
  2. I bought a used RTV 900 and was told it is a 2012. I thought I would verify that. I can't find anywhere I can look this up. KRTV900A61057114 is the product identification number. Thanks for any help.
  3. The steering delivery tube running from the pump to the steering controller below the steering wheel has fractured due to rubbing on a sharp steel flange. I would like to replace the tube and I am hoping someone reading this has actually done the job. To get to the point that I have identified the problem I have had to do a great deal of disassembly. The manual implies I must take off the roll cage, the rest of the body, the steering wheel and the dashboard. Is this really necessary? The manual also suggests bleeding the steering without detailing how this is achieved. Does anybody know how to do this?
  4. I have a 2005 RTV900. If I put it in 2WD the motor just revs, if I step on the diff lock it runs fine. In 4WD it moves fine too. However it does seem to be down on power in uphill climbs in the 4WD setting. Any ideas? I was going to put it in the air on all corners and see what I’m getting. I’m suspecting that without the diff lock engaged I’m getting no rear drive, but with it engaged I’m only getting one rear wheel engaging. If that’s the case does it point to a bad axle in the rear? Also with the 4WD engaged is the front a limited slip? It seems like only one side of the front end is rotating whether the other side is slipping or not.
  5. I recently picked up a Rtv900 with no motor. Everything else is there except the block. i was wondering what 3 cyclinder motors would work. Like out of a tractor. or mower with the 3 cyclinder.
  6. Looking for the tork specs for the fuel injectors. RTV900 G
  7. View File Kubota RTV 900 Service and Owner's Manuals Kubota RTV-X900 Service Manual and Owner's Manual Kubota RTV900 RTV 900 UTILITY VEHICLE Workshop Service Repair Manual Submitter JustWendyNow Submitted 04/30/2021 Category Kubota  
  8. 73 downloads

    Kubota RTV-X900 Service Manual and Owner's Manual Kubota RTV900 RTV 900 UTILITY VEHICLE Workshop Service Repair Manual
  9. Buon giorno a tutti sono italiano e mi trovo in difficoltà con il mo rtv 900 viene importato con limitatore ( non va ) e nessuno sa dove trovarlo e come levarlo sotto sforzo o in salita quando si ha bisogno di motore muore come se mancasse gas qualcuno sa come poter intervenire non mi interessa la velocità ma purtroppo va ad influire su la resa sotto sforzo grazie a tutti vi auguro una buona giornata --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good day everyone, I'm Italian and I'm in trouble with the mo rtv 900 is imported with a limiter (it doesn't work) and no one knows where to find it and how to remove it under stress or uphill when you need an engine, it dies as if there was no gas someone knows how to intervene I don't care about the speed but unfortunately it affects the yield under stress thanks to all I wish you a good day
  10. I recently bought a used Kubota RTV900 with a plow attachment to take care of a long, steep driveway this winter. I think it’s a 2006 and it has about 460 hours on it. The previous owner told me when I bought it that it needed an oil change but I know nothing else about how well it was maintained over the years. While going through the items in the maintenance schedule I discovered a problem with the coolant system. The coolant reserve tank was completely empty so I filled it and soon after noticed a spot of antifreeze on my garage floor. I had never noticed a leak before. I took the protective panel under the radiator off the bottom of the RTV and could see that the radiator itself, the drain valve, and all hoses and connections were dry and tight as far as the hose going into the engine block. I then took off the next protective panel that is right under the forward part of the engine. The engine-facing side of this plate was covered with a mess of oily debris that had to be scraped off and the engine itself was pretty dirty also. I cleaned things up with some paper towels and ran the engine to see if I could spot any leaks. After running the engine for only a few minutes, I saw a drop of coolant on the side of the crankcase right behind the starter motor. I wiped it dry, started the engine again, and the drop re-appeared after a few minutes. I was expecting to find that maybe the water pump was leaking, but I don’t see how that would cause the coolant to appear so far back on the side of the engine block. I can’t see anything else that might spray coolant onto this area. If the cylinder block actually has a hole in it I would expect I would see a lot more problems than just a slow leak of coolant. I am fairly handy but as I’m sure you can tell I’m new to engine work so I thought I’d see if anyone could help me diagnose this problem. Thanks.
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