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550 started and quickly died (infrequent occurrance) In my haste to restart, I believe I stepped on accelerator while turning key. Now starter does not engage. Did I set off some sensor? Unit has 2 relays in fuse box related to starting but I have no way of testing. Thanks for your review


Yep I have power to dashboard. Press brake to start. Unit can be in any gear. Unit runs when I power the starter solenoid direct. Apparently a sensor is not recognizing when brake is depressed. Maybe a switch at the master cylinder?


The brake switch is above the pedal. When you depress the brake are you getting brake lights? If so it's fine.

When you jump the solenoid it will bypass the safeties,  it needs to be in neutral to start.

You never mentioned if you are getting the "N" neutral light on the dash before trying to start.


Here is the page from the service manual, Since we know it starts when jumped I skipped the page checking the wiring.

Basically check the brake light switch, neutral swich, and testing procedures for the solenoid (item 4 above).

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Hmm, I start my outfitter 550 in low, haven't tried High or Reverse, and won't. I use it in the barnyard on level ground a lot and since it won't start without the brake depressed, I don't shift to neutral every stop just to save a little wear and tear on the linkage. I guess I wouldn't recommend it as general practice though.

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