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We all know summer is hot inside the cabs of our SXS. So I've rigged up a couple of fans to help cool down the cab.


I didn't want to drill the fan's "support rails" into the ROPS (Roll Over Protection System), aka roll bars. So I used water clamps to hold them in place. 


I just need to replace the wires I ran with bigger gauge. Then finish the wiring to switches, relays, and battery. But the hardest part. The actual mounting of the fans is complete. Also just in case anyone plans on doing this. I may have to only use 1 fan in the middle instead on 2. Due the the draw on the battery.

The fans are 12", 12V 80W. So I'm figured they were 6.7 amps apiece. Used the WAVe formula to get unknown values Watts=Amps*Volts then solve for unknown. I know the watts and volts from sticker on fan. So just used above formula to get amps. So a 7 amp fuse should be OK and a 10 amp fuse will be good. 

So pulling 14 amps from the battery all day may be too much for the charging system to keep up with. And I haven't even installed the radio yet. So I will have to test and let you know.


See pics below.


  • 1 month later...

Somebody ripped off my ideal about the fan mounted overhead.

The link for their product is in the video description and it $500. Mine might not be as pretty but it was less than $50. Looks like they used the same 12V 80 watt fans also. I knew I should have mass produced and patented the ideal.

My millions gone. Just like the hair on the top of my head. 😂


  • 1 month later...

Well I installed this variable speed switch to control one fan.




It has a hard off position and variable stages of on. I don't think the Axis charge system can handle the power needs of 2 of the fans that I installed. Without some sort of upgrade to the charging system.

I tapped into the positive and negative wires that feed the 12v power port on the dash. That way I'd be sure not to accidentally leave the fan on when the machine is off . The switch is installed to the left of the steering wheel. 


Think I'm going to modify the dual fan and just have one fan in the center OR upgrade the the charge system. But it's getting cooler now and "Winter is coming". So a cab enclosure/doors and the heater is next on the list. And finishing the fans will be a spring project.

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