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Well, the subject says it all!  After the motor stopped, I went out and bought gas and filled the tank.  Tried to start and it just cranked - no fire. I assumed I had spark, because nothing changed there. I pulled the plug and could not smell gas. The plug was dry. Put it back in and tried to flood it by piumping the pedal, but it was still dry when I  took out again. 

   The gas gage red fuel lights didn't seem to recognize that I filled the tank (see previous fuel Haugen posts).  Disconnected and reconnected the negative battery terminal hoping it would reset any interlocks that might be set. Now the ignition panel will not light up when ignition turned to "On".  Things are getting worse instead of better!  Have the fuse panel open, will check fuses tomorrow. Can anyone help me get back on track?  No shop here in Tucson will work on it!  Nice unit. But you're on your own for maintenence. Thanks for any help!

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Day 2 Update:  Went through all the fuses today. The fuse for the instrument cluster is not only blown,  but keeps blowing as soon as I turn the ignition to "On".  The only wire bundle I am unable to see is the one from the gas tank that probably goes to the fuel gauge.  I should mention that we live in a rural area and have Prarie dogs and packrats. The sxs is full of pea pods!  Lots knows what they've chewed.  Thank you for advice or sympathy...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there!  That sounds awful!  The potential for shenanigans from critters sounds like a decent potential.  Do you have a continuity checker?  Have you checked voltage on the battery


Thanks for your reply!  We found the problem after removing the drive shaft tunnel cover and floor panels. Pack rat had totally chewed the electrical lines coming from the gas tank to the instrument panel. Also totally chewed thru the fuel line. Fixing connections should remedy problem. Thanks again. 


Slowly getting things fixed. UTV sits outside,  and although it's shaded, it's still hot out for a 76 year old guy (mid-hi 90's). Will have new fuel line hooked up by tomorrow,  then have 4 wires to add new lengths of wire - 8 solder joints. Then reconnect battery and start 'er up.  Fingers crossed...

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