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Hey everyone,

I am looking for people who enjoy remote adventures to test a new service I have launched, I thought I'd reach out to the community here.

Almost three years ago, my travels took me to Cape Scott Provincial Park, at the northern end of Vancouver Island,  a remote area on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, where I spent a week. While there, I realized I would have had no way of getting notified of a distant earthquake and the resulting tsunami. My Garmin inReach would have allowed me to call for help in an emergency or to get a current forecast, but it couldn't alert me in the case of an immediate risk. Imagine a similar situation in an area at risk from flash flooding, forest fires or a tornado. When I got back to civilization, I tried to find a solution. Surprisingly, no one offered a notification solution using a satellite device like inReach!

So, I founded a company called Adiona Alert to provide the service I needed but couldn't find. 

After more than two years of work, including testing the service over the last six months throughout North America and issuing over 2000 safety alerts, including severe weather, to our small fleet of test devices, we are beginning to invite people to join our Early Access program so they can start using the service today for free! 

Given where your adventures likely take you, this community would be perfect to test the service.

As we slowly add small groups of users, It would be great if some of you would apply for our Early Access program. You would get these potentially live-saving alerts for free. All I ask in return is to share your thoughts, suggestions, and even complaints with my team to improve the solution.

I would love you to visit our website - AdionaAlert.com, to learn more and apply for our Early Access program.

Thanks for considering this, and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


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