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I just purchased an Axis Pro 750 from Lowes.  I have two questions not covered in owners manual.  1:  In the glovebox there is a 12V connector, it is HOT with key off, is that for a battery maintainer to be plugged in or what is the purpose?  2:  In the instrument cluster there is a digital read out for hours, miles and odometer,  there is also a digital readout that is flashing, it can be adjusted and looks like 1 - 24  what is it?


I'm still tinkering with ATV getting used to new ride.  On the digital readout, I think it is a CLOCK?  I set it and it's keeping perfect time, but I have never seen  a clock that uses "-" instead of a ":"??  So far it's keeping perfect time, so I guess that's what that is?  On the 12V connector in the glove box I'm assuming its battery maintainer connection, I did check it with multi meter and it showed 13.4 volts with key off?  


I have still not been able to find any information as to what digital readout between speedometer and rpms is measuring?  I thought it might be a clock, but that is not it, not a counter??  I called Hisum motors and they haven't got back to me.  Still unanswered....

  • 1 month later...

I was going to say the connector in the glove box may be for a winch remote. But seen that control in one of your pics. So I not sure. My CFMoto had the winch hookup there.

Maybe that is the power out for your aux power switch. IDK.


Downloaded the manual for your machine from axis website. 



The screenshot above says the digital readout is for 

Odometer, Trip, Hours, Clock

Screen shot shows a mode button on the left, and set on the right.

So I'm just guessing the mode will cycle thru the od9, trip, hrs, etc.

Probably a long hold on mode will allow setting the click. Don't know cau see mine is a little different. But if you look under the numbers, the mode should be lit up.


Hope this helps.

  • 2 months later...

The plug in the glove box is for a battery maintainer I've heard. It's not a power plug because I pluged a 12 volt sprayer into it and it blew the ECU fuse. The buggy was like you took the battery out of it. The fuse was 5 amp and when the sprayer loaded up it blew the fuse. Good luck with your buggy.

  • 3 weeks later...

It is the clock. Hold left button about 3 seconds, set hours will come up. Hit right button to change hour (24 hr format). Hit left button once and change minutes will come up. Use right button to set. Hit left button to exit

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