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likely running extremely rich, Best guess would be failed O2 sensor, but thats just a guess. I believe those models are likely carbed vs fuel injected, so let me know if thats incorrect.

Likely your carberateur jet setting is wrong, or the choke is stuck on. Have you ever cleaned it? Could you post a pic or model info of the carb I'm not sure what type the older models even have?



2012 should be carb.  First T/S check is a restricted air intake.  Remove the intake tube off the carb.  If you have a critter "squatter" in the air box, the restriction of the mouse house will be removed and should clear up.  The exhaust will smell rich and be sooty UNTIL the excess fuel in the muffler burns off........will take some run time to "clear".

Next is a choke (fuel enrichment) problem and float level.  Remove fuel line to carb and seal off.  Run until the bowl runs low on fuel and a rich condition will clear up....run good for a short time and decline into the lean spit/pop/ reduced RPM and die.  You need to post a image of the carb for which type choke you have.  Honda OEM fuel enrichment cables were too short and resulted in a mall amount of excess fuel and kill the plug over several hours.

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