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I was the last to arrive and that was Wednesday Evening and the other were out on a ride when I got there. The no see ums were prolific and very annoying and it got hot shortly after arrival, Rocmoc brought that with him.

There were 5 couples, (Lenny) and Jeanie, (Rocmoc) Mike and Rochell, (Dpostma) Dick and Leona, John and Janie (RZR) and (Kinarfi) Jeff and Linda.

Good rides of various terrains, got stopped by the snow at the top of Bull Mountain and parked for a break under the shade of a HUGE rock over hang. Some didn't like my sending them down a box canyon that got very normal ;)

Only saw one other soul out there and he was cutting fuel wood at the top of the mountain with his dog and quad, nice guy.

More info will trickle in as others add their comments & picts.


Sounds pretty fun! We have "NoSeeUms" here in Oregon too! Pesky lil bastards! I'm lookin forward to seeing some pics and video. I'll post a video soon if I can figure out how YouTube works again. I've done it once before a year ago. Shouldn't be too hard. I forgot that we did do ONE challemging trail. It was actually a shortcut up some switchbacks that ATVs had made. My wife got out to video it from the bottom, and again from the top. It was about a 45 degree incline, but I found that the video doesn't really reflect the angle that much because you don't have "level" to compare it to. Anyways; the Trooper went up it in 1st gear without using the lockers. Those new tires really made a difference over stock. And last week at the dunes; they performed WAY better than the stock tires.

The local area has mostly ATVs and Razors. Everybody was looking at the Trooper like we were from another planet! It was a wierd little town; and they have lots of UFO sightings around there! :)


Got my videos downloaded to U-Tube, Webshots doesn't seem to be able to handle MP4 videos, but U-Tube does so here's what I got

I don't claim to any good at it but take a look and I hope you enjoy them.



We are now in Idaho in 75 degree weather. I don't think we are leaving until fall, only joking.

We had a GREAT TIME. A couple of the BEST rides we have EVER been on. Just those dang bugs ran us off and it was a touch warm. Canceled Moab as the temps were in the 100s.

Pics when we get home as the trip is ongoing, LOL! and I am on a friend's computer & aircard.

Thanks to Lenny & Kinarfi for picking a great location.

Next year, NOT so remote and COOOOOLER! We rolled the longest distance traveled prize over to next year and I hope I am NOT the winner.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico

Guest Lenny

We made it home safe and sound! We road some amazing trails Thursday and Friday and we really enjoyed everyone who was able to attended. We meet some great new people! Our ride down to the Dirty Devil River through Poison Spring Canyon reminds me of a mini grand canyon. The ride up into the mountain was great...just too bad the snow wouldn't allow us to continue further on. Except for Jeanne's gnat bites the event was great for us (lucky me - I made it without any bites). We never encountered the little buggers before on previous visits but being out in nature, it being summer, it's hard to avoid bugs completely. Now -- I just have to locate the camera and I'll share the pictures we took at the Jamboree with everyone.

Since we accomplished all our intended trail rides and no one else was expected to attend the jamboree, we began our trek back home on Saturday and Sunday traveling west via Hwy. 24 & 12 over to Hwy. 89. I've traveled this route many times now but it doesn't cease to amaze me each time with such great scenery... you travel through Capital Reef Natl. Park, you are in and out of Dixie Natl. Forest, Escalante State Park, and Bryce Canyon Natl. Park. If you get into this area in the future, be sure to take this all in and plan on extra time to explore everything. We enjoyed camping two nights in Dixie Natl. Forest in different locations (running steams/water falls) B) at higher elevations and cool temperatures (still snow at the higher elevations). Rocmoc....55 degrees at Noon today driving thru Cedar Breaks....you would love it! Looking forward to exploring more of the trails shown in the Dixie Natl. Forest area during the coming summer and fall months before winter and snow sets in again.

Already looking forward to next years Jamboree. Let's try to plan it in late Spring or early Fall to avoid the warmer months.

Lenny & Jeanne


Guest Lenny

All done, it's over and as I left, the last one out, I was having some trouble getting the motor home to run, out of gas on one tank and the other tank(full) not pumping well, finally got it, but I saw a Ranger looking the site over, I think we got a B+ because we left some wood and dumped some water, but I asked him what was biting us and he said it was the no see ums (google It) and that they didn't bite, they spit acid on you and then drank the acid up and what the acid had digested of us and that it was the acid that makes us itch, so thinking acid, I decided to try neutralizing it with a paste made from baking soda, seems to work, itched all the way home and it quit with the baking soda & water paste rubbed on it. The spitting acid and not biting was not confirmed by google, but the baking soda made mine quit itching.

Oh yea, good rides, more details coming from others and when photos get posted. We had 5 rig, 4 Trooper and 1 RZR and 10 great people.

If it was the wet spot over by our location, Jeanne dumped out the ice & water cooler's melted water before we left out. It was just clean water....nothing for them to worry about. :)

We didn't even burn a fire because we didn't bring the fire pit - we knew it was going to be warm weather. Some area's in Utah require you to have a above ground fire pit because they don't want you leaving the burnt ashes on the ground. Or if you do burn directly on the ground, they require you to remove it when you leave (shovel it into a box or trash bag and dispose of it properly & I believe it's a BLM land requirement) ... sorry that I forgot to mention this to anyone.

Guest Lenny

I've uploaded a bunch of pictures of the Jamboree. I omitted pictures that were just another shot of the same thing. Figured that you didn't want to see multiple pictures of the same scean unless a distant and close up showed it differently. Anyway here they are. There are about 45 of them so just click through.




I've uploaded a bunch of pictures of the Jamboree. I omitted pictures that were just another shot of the same thing. Figured that you didn't want to see multiple pictures of the same scean unless a distant and close up showed it differently. Anyway here they are. There are about 45 of them so just click through.



Good job Lenny, I guess I forgot to put my link in,


May I suggest the use of the slide show option under the photo.



Good job Lenny, I guess I forgot to put my link in,


May I suggest the use of the slide show option under the photo.


My only question,is that rocmoc with the big straw hat in shorts with the sexy legs????


After getting punctured several times by the no see ums at the jamboree, I've been plotting a revenge on them and their kind. Has anyone ever tried fogging a place like our camp area for bugs, what fogger did you use and did it work. I would suspect Rocmoc would have used or seen them used in his travels, have you? Sure seems like a good idea to have one, if they work!


Guest Lenny

Once we lathered ourselves with a high "level Deet" content bug repelent, we didn't have a problem. Just be sure you have a stash in your trooper and motor home for future events. This is the first time we've run across them in the ten years we have lived and traveled in Utah even though we were familiar with them from growing up in Michigan. The conditions must have been just right this year. Also, if you want to sit outside, have a fan handy because they are so small they can't land on you if there is wind or a fan blowing. Jeanne also has stocked our 5th wheel with some essential oils that repel them and also relieve the bites if it should occur. Applying the oils topically seemed to help. A few of the Jamboree attendees were pestered a bit by the bugs but it certainly wasn't near enough to spoil the Jamboree. We don't want to present it as such a problem, which it was not, that those that didn't make the event are now glad they avoided it. This was a fun and very sucessful Jamboree, the best yet.



Usaually the girls like my legs. Thanks for noticing RICK, LOL! Always in shorts.

We have ran into no-see-ums in Mexico and Deet does not have any effect on them. There iis some stuff made in Mexico that is not available in USA the works but we did not have any with us. Will get the name later. We had 35% deet Bullfrog on and they still got us. Yes if you stay SUPER oiled up they have trouble getting you and the wind helps keep them abated. They stay on the ground in the dirt or sand until the wind calms down or you sit on them.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico


I agree with Lenny and hope I haven't overstated the no see um problem, the jamboree was definitely a good time, in spite of the little pests, but I want to get set up for my other outings so I can further enjoy them. Wheres the next one gonna be. I'm looking at foggers, to kill off the pest, but may get the good bugs, mosquito traps, should get most blood sucker, and other things. I think at our jamboree campsite, a fogger would have worked real well, as there were no other insects that would have been effected, but in a mountain camp site, a fogger would kill off the dragonflys and the mosquito catching spiders and such. I'm thinking mosquito trap may be best, but it doesn't get the regular house flies that are a pain when in the mountains.

Think I'll start a new thread and copy this to there - Camping environment -



Usaually the girls like my legs. Thanks for noticing RICK, LOL! Always in shorts.

We have ran into no-see-ums in Mexico and Deet does not have any effect on them. There iis some stuff made in Mexico that is not available in USA the works but we did not have any with us. Will get the name later. We had 35% deet Bullfrog on and they still got us. Yes if you stay SUPER oiled up they have trouble getting you and the wind helps keep them abated. They stay on the ground in the dirt or sand until the wind calms down or you sit on them.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico

I usually dont look at mens legs but when i see a pair like that i just gotta comment(LOL) Glad you had a good time despite the bugs.We havve had good luck with a lotion I think Avon has,cant remember what its called but will ask the wife.Works great against mosiqitos and othe bugs.


I usually dont look at mens legs but when i see a pair like that i just gotta comment(LOL) Glad you had a good time despite the bugs.We havve had good luck with a lotion I think Avon has,cant remember what its called but will ask the wife.Works great against mosiqitos and othe bugs.

Skin so soft, I bet, it has a good reputation.


I agree with Lenny and hope I haven't overstated the no see um problem, the jamboree was definitely a good time, in spite of the little pests, but I want to get set up for my other outings so I can further enjoy them. Wheres the next one gonna be. I'm looking at foggers, to kill off the pest, but may get the good bugs, mosquito traps, should get most blood sucker, and other things. I think at our jamboree campsite, a fogger would have worked real well, as there were no other insects that would have been effected, but in a mountain camp site, a fogger would kill off the dragonflys and the mosquito catching spiders and such. I'm thinking mosquito trap may be best, but it doesn't get the regular house flies that are a pain when in the mountains.

Think I'll start a new thread and copy this to there - Camping environment -


For the next one i am just gonna throw out there the North Glamis area out by Salton Sea.Over a thousand miles of trails.Would have to be November - Early March or it gets too hot.


For the next one i am just gonna throw out there the North Glamis area out by Salton Sea.Over a thousand miles of trails.Would have to be November - Early March or it gets too hot.

I suggested the same thing at Hanksville. As far I am concerned you are next year's host and you have selected the site. Now WHEN? Got some ideas of a date. Mid-April thu May are good for us. OR mid-Oct thu Nov. Too hot in the summer & we are already committed the rest of the year. Just a suggestion.

You have my support! We are talking the KOA campground with hookups, right.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico


We finally have made it home.

Will post pics asap. Right now the Trooper & Honda are setting in the rain of our FIRST monsoon of the year. Aren't I lucky to get home just in time for mother nature to wash everything, not. I don't like to get the Trooper wet after the trouble some of the guys have had in wet country. The Honda is fine, it is bullet-proof in ALL weather.

We actually hit rain south of Flagstaff yesterday and had the drivers side windshield wiper fly off. Had to pull off until the heavy rain pasted. We then continued on home safely in huge wind & dust storm. Safely pulled in last night at home and was too tired to unload, will start at 7am.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico


I suggested the same thing at Hanksville. As far I am concerned you are next year's host and you have selected the site. Now WHEN? Got some ideas of a date. Mid-April thu May are good for us. OR mid-Oct thu Nov. Too hot in the summer & we are already committed the rest of the year. Just a suggestion.

You have my support! We are talking the KOA campground with hookups, right.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico

they are closed after march 31st and open oct 1 or nov 1,not sure.Yes they do have full hook ups,pool,and hot mineral spa.


they are closed after march 31st and open oct 1 or nov 1,not sure.Yes they do have full hook ups,pool,and hot mineral spa.

Pool would be most enjoyable in Oct/Nov, LOL! We will not be available until mid-Apr.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico

  • 2 weeks later...

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