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When people were listing problems with the ball joint coming out, I assume they are talking the single bolt the holds that clamp on the one side of the ball joint? If so, someone mentioned putting a bigger bolt there? Does this mean a longer bolt or are people drilling and tapping for larger diameter bolt? Mine is painted on and is tight!

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Nevermind. Found the ball joint topic after I posted. By the way....I hate drilling and tapping...it never seems to work very well for me. I think "straight" is a relative term as far as drilling and tapping go and mine is always cock-eyed at best :( Anyone with suggestions on good grease to use for the suspension (ball joints/pivot points, etc.)?

  • 2 weeks later...

I want to formally thank Kinarfi for going way above and beyond in helping me with my rear differential kit last Sunday. Spent the whole dang day with me and man was I greatful! Would have taken me a year to get everything right and that's if I could have figured it out at all. Good thing we did it too. At only 320 miles, the ring gear bolts were already just a smidge above hand tight and already showing quite a bit of wear where the threads had been worn down. I feel much more confident in it now....Thanks Lenny and Kinarfi!

I have lots more things to do (including front diff and ball joints) but most of them are tinkering. Looking forward to get out and start playing with the machine if it would ever stop raining/snowing here...grrrr.

I am also looking into coverting the back deck to kids seat very similar to what 2scoops has done (see earlier post by him in this topic). Thanks to everyone for the support so far and look forward to lots more future questions.



I want to formally thank Kinarfi for going way above and beyond in helping me with my rear differential kit last Sunday. Spent the whole dang day with me and man was I greatful! Would have taken me a year to get everything right and that's if I could have figured it out at all. Good thing we did it too. At only 320 miles, the ring gear bolts were already just a smidge above hand tight and already showing quite a bit of wear where the threads had been worn down. I feel much more confident in it now....Thanks Lenny and Kinarfi!

I have lots more things to do (including front diff and ball joints) but most of them are tinkering. Looking forward to get out and start playing with the machine if it would ever stop raining/snowing here...grrrr.

I am also looking into coverting the back deck to kids seat very similar to what 2scoops has done (see earlier post by him in this topic). Thanks to everyone for the support so far and look forward to lots more future questions.


I too have the kit from Lenny.Hope to get started this weekend on it.I must say i was disappointed when the package arrived,I was expecting it to include Lenny to do the install(LOL) Looks great


What is everyone using for mufflers/exhaust. Did you use motorcycle or car mufflers and did you just do it at home with clamps or welding? How did you support it? Any pictures would be helpful. Thanks.



What is everyone using for mufflers/exhaust. Did you use motorcycle or car mufflers and did you just do it at home with clamps or welding? How did you support it? Any pictures would be helpful. Thanks.


Some have used motorcycle and others have used car mufflers.I purchases jdm double loop muffler.It runs quieter then before and also is supposed to have increased the HP by about 5 but not sure of that.I clamped it on and for supports i just purchased some adjustable tail pipe hangers from local auto parts and hung them from the tail light frame.


Guest Lenny

Some have used motorcycle and others have used car mufflers.I purchases jdm double loop muffler.It runs quieter then before and also is supposed to have increased the HP by about 5 but not sure of that.I clamped it on and for supports i just purchased some adjustable tail pipe hangers from local auto parts and hung them from the tail light frame.


There should be a law against Troopers being that clean.



Thanks for the ideas. I think I will look on KSL (thats the local paper) website and see what people have for sale. Bet I could pick up a used sportbike or harley muffler pretty cheap that would work. Lenny and Kinarfi...how do the Harley pipes sound? They look pretty low profile and seem to tuck up out of the way pretty easily.

And Kinarfi...thanks for working on those ball joints. Will grab them from you the next time I am down. Hoping to work on things some more tomorrow and/or sunday here.


Guest Lenny

Thanks for the ideas. I think I will look on KSL (thats the local paper) website and see what people have for sale. Bet I could pick up a used sportbike or harley muffler pretty cheap that would work. Lenny and Kinarfi...how do the Harley pipes sound? They look pretty low profile and seem to tuck up out of the way pretty easily.

And Kinarfi...thanks for working on those ball joints. Will grab them from you the next time I am down. Hoping to work on things some more tomorrow and/or sunday here.


I bought the pipes as a pair at a thrift store. They both are basically identical but Kinarfis is a little quieter then mine. Not sure why, I did mine and figured his would be idenical sounding but it wasn't. Mine is a little racey sounding which I like and Kinarfi's is a bit more mellow which he prefers. Both Troopers sound good. Harley mufflers are all over Ebay and real cheap. If you use a Harley be sure to get a real tight 3" centerline radius elbow (90 degree). It's the tight elbow that helps it to tuck in nicely.



There should be a law against Troopers being that clean.



The only law thats being broken is the law of not getting enough use.I dont get enough time to drive it so i have plenty of time to keep it clean.I would much rather have a dirty used Trooper then a clean non used one.Hope to get it real dirty and used looking in June.


I bought the pipes as a pair at a thrift store. They both are basically identical but Kinarfis is a little quieter then mine. Not sure why, I did mine and figured his would be idenical sounding but it wasn't. Mine is a little racey sounding which I like and Kinarfi's is a bit more mellow which he prefers. Both Troopers sound good. Harley mufflers are all over Ebay and real cheap. If you use a Harley be sure to get a real tight 3" centerline radius elbow (90 degree). It's the tight elbow that helps it to tuck in nicely.


Yes, I like mine real well, I bet the difference in sound, Lenny, is you have more power than I do from your super charger and such, other wise, they probably would sound the same. and thanks again for it.


Guest Lenny

And mine is quieter than both Lenny's & Kinarfi which is what we wanted. No noise at all.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico

You just want to sneak around us to get up front without us knowing. Besides with my bad hearing, mine is just as quiet as yours. May have to take it off all together just to know it's running.



You just want to sneak around us to get up front without us knowing. Besides with my bad hearing, mine is just as quiet as yours. May have to take it off all together just to know it's running.


If you WANT, I can build a vibrator or a flashing light to let you know when your engine is running, I could even have it flash faster as your engine revs up. :P

Maybe even a loud speaker for behind your seat. :lol:

another Idea is to hang a cow bell on Rocmoc's rig :unsure::rolleyes:


Hay Kinarfi, I have seen/heard the cow bell on the front of Jeeps when I use to have a Jeep and do Jeep runs. I always thought they were annoying! On a Cow OK, On a 4X4 NOT ok.

Hay Lenny, I don't have to sneak pass, I just power pass that turbo powered rig of yours with my stocker but a lighter rig. All the stuff you carry just equalizes us to the same speed/power range, LOL! AND the only time I noticed you had bad hearing was when J***nea was calling, LOL!

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico (still working on the house, will it ever STOP (HELP))


Hay Kinarfi, I have seen/heard the cow bell on the front of Jeeps when I use to have a Jeep and do Jeep runs. I always thought they were annoying! On a Cow OK, On a 4X4 NOT ok.

Hay Lenny, I don't have to sneak pass, I just power pass that turbo powered rig of yours with my stocker but a lighter rig. All the stuff you carry just equalizes us to the same speed/power range, LOL! AND the only time I noticed you had bad hearing was when J***nea was calling, LOL!

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico (still working on the house, will it ever STOP (HELP))

be sure to take a break towards the end of June and come to the jamboree :rolleyes:

The way the weather's been this year, it may just barely be just warm enough for a good time


Well, I have went and done it! I bought a 2009 trooper T2 with only 320 miles and just got it last night! It looks totally new like it has never even seen a trail so am pretty excited. I am sure I will be on the board frequently with stupid questions so please bear with me. Unfortunately it will have to live it's first year outside (until I can save enough for an enclosed trailer) as we don't have enough room in my garage and the wife is not willing to let me use her spot ;) Is anyone aware of someone making covers for the trooper? I inquired about a custom cover for it at a local place, but looking at $300 for a non-waterproof and over $400 for a waterproof version which seems kind of steep. Also wondering if anyone has put a childs seat in the back (I have a 4 year old) and if so what seat did you use and how did you go about it (how did you mount it and where did you mount seatbelts).

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Hi Jeff nice to have you here on the forum, hope that you will have great times with your new toy. Everyone here is great and you will love this forum. Goodluck with your new toy!!!



Hi Jeff nice to have you here on the forum, hope that you will have great times with your new toy. Everyone here is great and you will love this forum. Goodluck with your new toy!!!


Thanks Steve, I am excited to get it out. Taking it out to Miller motorsports park here to cruise around during the world superbike races this weekend. Will be a nice place to just cruise around and see if any issues arise right off the bat. Expecting all to be fine and hope to take it out actually "off road" in the next couple weeks to see how it does. Still need to get to the front diff rebuild but that can be done over the next few weeks as I have time. Kinarfi can expect me down at his place soon for that one.... :) !!!



Thanks Steve, I am excited to get it out. Taking it out to Miller motorsports park here to cruise around during the world superbike races this weekend. Will be a nice place to just cruise around and see if any issues arise right off the bat. Expecting all to be fine and hope to take it out actually "off road" in the next couple weeks to see how it does. Still need to get to the front diff rebuild but that can be done over the next few weeks as I have time. Kinarfi can expect me down at his place soon for that one.... :) !!!


Hi Jeff, You will have a great time with it. I did alot of changes with mine, there is a list of things to make it better and to have trouble free riding on this site. After doing the adjustments and sealing this and that you will have a great time. Every product has its own problems once you work them out these things are alot of fun !!! Have a great time !!!


  • 2 weeks later...

Now you guys know that a spark arrester is REQUIRED in most places off-road. They are checking big time in AZ and the fine is $200. A muffler is not good enough as it has to have passed the USDA certification and marked certified on the spark arrestor.

Note item ARS 28-1179A.4 No USDA Spark Arrestor Civil Traffic $200

Off- Highway Vehicle Recommended Bond Schedule May 2009

Provided by AZGFD OHV Law Enforcement Program. All fines are recommended amount without surcharges.

Statute Description Classification Fine

ARS 17-454 Cross Country Travel Class 2 Misdemeanor $450

ARS 28-892 Riding Double Civil Traffic $250

ARS 28-1174A.1 Reckless Disregard Class 2 Misdemeanor $500

ARS 28-1174A.2 OHV Travel causes damage Class 3 Misdemeanor $450

ARS 28-1174A.3 Operate Closed Road/Trail/Area Class 3 Misdemeanor $350

ARS 28-1174A.4 Operate Contrary to rule Class 3 Misdemeanor $350

ARS 28-1174B Operate on road, trail, area, not open Class 3 Misdemeanor $350

ARS 28-1174C Prohibited damage by rule, regulation, ordinance, or code Class 3 Misdemeanor $400

ARS 28-1174D Place or remove OHV regulatory sign Class 3 Misdemeanor $350

ARS 28-1177A Operate OHV w/o OHV Decal Civil Traffic $250

ARS 28-1177B Failure to properly display OHV Decal Civil Traffic $150

ARS 28-1177B Operate OHV w/ expired OHV Decal Civil Traffic $250

ARS 28-1179A.1 OHV w/o adequate brakes Civil Traffic $150

ARS 28-1179A.2 No headlight/taillight(after dark) Civil Traffic $150

ARS 28-1179A.3 OHV Sound > 96db Civil Traffic $200

ARS 28-1179A.4 No USDA Spark Arrestor Civil Traffic $200

ARS 28-1179A.5 No Safety Flag in Designated area Civil Traffic $150

ARS 28-1179B <18 year old w/o DOT Helmet Worn Civil Traffic $400

ARS 28-1179B <18 years old w/o DOT Helmet properly fitted/fastened Civil Traffic $300

ARS 28-1180 Unauthorized Organized Event Civil Traffic $400

ARS 28-1524 Allow Juvenile to ride w/0 DOT Helmet Class 2 Misdemeanor $400

ARS 28-2153 NO Registration Civil Traffic $572

ARS 28-2512D Failure to Properly display License Plate Civil Traffic $150

Yes I do have a spark arrestor!

A spark arrestor is also required in UT.

Something to consider in the future.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico

Guest Lenny

Somebody is always making more work for me. Now i guess I'll have to check into a spark arrestor. Darn



Makes sense for lenny to have one...after all his is the fire-breathing machine we all envy!!! :) Anyone with ideas for a spark arrestor? Looks like most of the ones I saw on line were just a wire mesh (not sure what that is going to do that the header, cat and exhaust haven't already done, but Oh well). Is there anything that I could add that would be minimally intrusive and not look like crap and make the LEO's happy?



I bought one that is used for VW off-road buggies on ebay. But it is in-line. No performance difference plus or neg.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico

so,gota get one before jamboree? give details and connection to buy one.


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