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Over President’s Day Weekend I got stopped by the Rangers. First it was two Rangers by the time it was over there was 16 Rangers and 8 vehicles. They pulled me over for no helmet. I told them that I didn’t need one because I am 1100cc, but they didn’t see it my way. After arguing with them and threats of going to jail. I stood my ground and they called their super visor out and he agreed with me. He said that I didn’t need a helmet. I told him that I was going to get helmets so I wouldn’t be harassed anymore. He said that it wasn’t harassment, but I think that many Rangers was over kill.


Another solution would be to get a copy of the codes and high light and mark the page so you can show the unaware rangers that you know what your up to. However, in my EXPERIENCE, if you get uppity and they want you bad enough, they'll figure out a way to get you, so speak softly and humbly and explain how you have been through this before.



We were at Glamis at the Sand Drags.

It's not worth riding at the Imperial Dunes with out a helmet and going through what I did.

We bought DOT Half Helmets.

I have a friend that was cited for no Green Sticker.

It was their kids Electric Jeep, like the Pink Barbie Jeep.

I guess California needs our money.


Same with me. I know if we get stopped we can get out of it because of the 1100CC but why take a chance. Went Simpson half helmets and although I don't want to wear them it is better than getting hassled. Yes CA needs the money and depending on where you are riding they will pull you over. I was in Ocotillo Presidents day and they were not citing but warning. I rode around some without a helmet and with a helmet. Went by a ranger without and he didn't do anything. Just depends on where you are. Still a waste as those Simpson half helmets won't do much but they get you by the dumb law.

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